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                                Noens POV
(trigger warning (don't wanna say to not spoil but pls stay cautious if disturbed by blood related things))
It's been a month since Noen left to Europe, having missed two weeks of school, he had to spend the next two weeks catching up. He hasn't had the time to make moves on Scar, him and Lyra distancing themselves from Scar in order to make the moment special.

"She isn't picking up her phone." Lyra said to me as I sent a text to Scar, she wanted to hang out today but both me and Lyra cancelled. I planned on asking her out tomorrow, Lyra was trying to figure out a place Scar was dying to go to so I could take her. "I need to go home Noen, you gonna go over to her house?"
"Yeah sure." I said and pointed towards the ring box. "Don't forgot to put it back, I'm gonna go now." I got up and left my room.

It was wrong, Lyra and I were completely ghosting Scar and spending more time together, I knew the way she looked at Ly and I when she was helping me with my 'work' was straight hurt.

I skate to her house and try calling her once again, no answer. I don't know why but I began to panic more. I pushed on the pavement harder, trying to gain more speed. Somethings wrong, she should've answered one of us by now and Ly hasn't told me anything yet.

I get a snapchat notification, distracting me, next thing I knew I was heading for the ground.
It all happened quickly, I gathered my thoughts and searched for where my skateboard could've been. I heard laughter but that was the last of my worries, I need to check on Scar.

My heart was beating out of my chest, I felt something run down the bottom of my palms and looked to see blood, both of my palms. I winced due to the pain of moving my hands slightly. I see my skateboard and quickly get myself up to go grab it, spotting my phone not too far from it. I grabbed both of them and tucked my skateboard under my arm. I examined my phone, the screen protector completely shuttered, I turn it off and put it in my pocket.

I speed walk towards Scars house, completely ignoring the pain felt throughout my body. Her parents aren't home and haven't been for the last two weeks.

I finally arrive at her house and throw my skateboard towards the side of her door before knocking.

I wait a little bit, no response. I knock harder. Still nothing.

"Scar? It's Noen." I yell while knocking again. The sun was beginning to set and I know it'll look weird if I spend anymore time knocking on her door.
I try my luck with the door handle, closing my eyes due to the pain of the scraps on my hand. I nearly trip over my foot as I enter her house.

"The doors unlocked.." I whisper and close it behind me, I hear the bathtub running upstairs.

"Scar?" I yell out. No response.

"I know you're home. I'm coming up." I say as I take my first step up the stairs. The water is coming from the guest bathroom.

I walk towards it, heart beating out of my chest. "Scar?" I knock on the bathroom door. It opens up.
My heart drops at the scene.

I drop to my knees, tears swelling in my eyes.
"Scar, baby no no what did you do." My left hand squeezing her right wrist as I touch her cheek with my other hand, gently touching it, the color completely gone from her face.

She lets her head fall on my hand and closes her eyes.

"Don't you dare fall asleep." I say, looking at everything. Now I realize it's both her wrists. She slit them both. I move my right hand and reach for my phone, still squeezing her right arm, not wanting anymore blood to be lost.

I unlock it and dial 911, a piece of the screen protector lodging itself in my skin, I slightly wince while pulling it out and put the phone on speaker setting it aside.

I grab her other arm, applying pressure to the wounds.

"911, how may I help you?" The receptionist says.
"Please send, please send an ambulance, my.. my girlfriend she's unconscious." I say, my stutter coming back the more I worry.

"Sir what is your current location? What has happened."

I give her the address to Scars house, an ambulance to arrive in no more than 10 minutes. "I came to check check up on her. I came to check up on her and find her on the bathroom floor, barely conscious. The door is o-open open." I say, tears falling from my eyes.

The lady tries to calm me down as I begin to hyperventilate.

"Please Scar don't fucking leave me." I say resting my forehead on hers.

The next ten minutes was a drag, I tried repeatedly with no success to wake up Scar, nothing. I made sure to check that she still had a pulse, it was getting fainter with the minutes passing, her skin getting colder.

I heard the sirens in the distance, hope and dread filling my stomach.

The door bangs open, with multiple foot steps and things moving.

The bathroom door is suddenly covered with guys coming in, one pulls me away from Scar and checks her pulse, another guy checks me.

"What happened?" He says pointing at my bloodied, ripped jeans, visible cuts showing through.

"I scrapped my knees and hands on the pavement while skating here." I point back at Scar. "She's the one who needs help, I'm fine." I say.

He pulls me outside the bathroom while another guy comes in with a stretcher to carry Scar out.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I say to one of the guys carrying her out. He doesn't respond and continues towards the stairs.

"You should worry about yourself, son. Your hands aren't looking to pretty and the combination of both your bloods." The paramedic attending me says.

"Come on." He says motioning after the group.
It was nearly completely dark outside, the sun was barely shining, it was Scars favorite time of the day, right before it got dark but their was still light, the different colors of the sky. I smiled at the thought of seeing her happy while admiring the sky.

I entered the back of the ambulance, sitting next to Scar as they checked out my cuts, cleaning the blood.
Everything was after they close the door was a blur.
Happening too fast, too much going on. They brought me to my own room.

"Sir, what's your name?" A lady asked as I was helped to lay down on the bed.

"Noen. Noen Eubanks." I answer.

"And the girl you came with?" She asks.

"Scar- Scarlett Davenport." Mentioning her brings me back to reality. "Is she okay? Where is she?"

"She's alright, the doctors are taking care of her right now." Her voice calmed me, I felt my eyes getting heavy, as much as I wanted to stay awake. I couldn't.

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