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Scars POV
"Negative?" I look for the other one. Wrapping this test in toilet paper and throwing it away.
I take the next one and wait for the results. I get a text from Noen.
noen🤡: You wanna come chill at the hotel with all of us? Lyra's here but she seems buzzed out.
noen🤡: But only if you're feeling better.
noen🤡: We just reunited and I wanna spend more time with you (:
me: yeah hold on.
I look back at the test, I can't stop biting my fingernails.
I feel relief flooding through me but at the same time doubt.
What's with the morning sickness?
I'll just go to a doctor when I get back to Georgia.
I order an Uber and wait in the lobby.
I eat my bag of candy and scroll through my instagram.
I end up on Noens page and go through his tagged posts.
I see multiple videos of when I kissed him at the meet and greet. My jaw drops.
I click on one and read the caption and some comments.
user 1: she's kinda pretty
user 2: WTF why is she so skinny
user 3: what if she's just a disgusting fan who kissed him without his permission. ew.
user 4: look how flustered her looks after it's so cute
user 5: @user4 Maybe they are dating aw.
I get a notification that the uber arrived. I walk outside, throwing out my trash as I passed the trash can.
I entered and continued going through posts about me and Noen.
Most of them were wondering who I was. Some were saying it was a joke. Others were plan out hating on me, calling things from a whore to attention seeker.
Some brought my hopes up while others completely crushed that progess.
I shouldn't have kissed him.
But now I understand.
I do love him too it's just too much with how toxic his fan base is but I could never bring myself to tell him to turn away from him.
The car stops at the hotel and I thank the driver before exiting and entering the hotel.
I walk towards the elevator and press the 7th floor.
I exit the elevator and go towards room 702.
I knock on it and everyone hushes.
Payton opens the door.
"Noen you're crush is here." He says widening the door.
Noen peeks his head from around a wall. I smile at him and walk over.
"Where's Lyra?" I ask scanning the room. I wave at Chase and Anthony when they wave at me.
"Her and Jaden left a few minutes ago and haven't come back yet." Noen answers.
"They're fucking I'm telling you." Anthony laughs.
"I wouldn't be surprised." I sit down on the floor in between Noens legs. He runs his fingers through my hair as I lean my head back.
"You two are dating right?" Chase asks us.
I feel Noen freeze and my eyes shoot up to look at him.
"We're not." I spit out when he hasn't responded yet.
He shifts in his seat causing me to pick my head up and sort of scoot away.
"I think I'll look for Lyra so we can head home." I begin to sit up.
"You just got here." Payton points out.
"I'm tired. Any ideas where I can find Lyra?" I chance.
"Yeah let me take you." Anthony says getting up. Noen makes a noise as if he's gonna argue but Anthony gives him a reassuraning smile.
"Dude have you checked your tagged posts? I keep getting tagged in pictures of you two kissing." Chase elbows Noen.
Now it's me who freezes im fear.
I see Noen look at me slightly before going on his phone to check. His eyes widen.
Anthony and I just stand there waiting for what he's gonna say.
"I think after tour I need a social media break." Noen says. My heart pangs with guilt knowing this is my fault. I shouldn't have kissed him.
Payton and Chase look at him, probably expecting for me to say something.
"Lets go." I murmur grabbing Anthony's hand and leading him outside.
The room is quiet as we leave.
"I keep causing problems." I say as the door shuts.
I signal for him to lead the way.
"How so?" He asks heading towards the elevator.
"My timing is wrong with just about everything. I know he would never admit to it but everything I do is in some way just hurting Noen." I let my gaze fall down and realize I'm still holding Anthony's hand. He squeezes my hand causing me to look back up at him.
"If it's meant to be just give it time and space so it can resolve itself." Our eyes meet. "If not being with eachother doesn't bring you closer together once reunited, I don't know what else to tell you." We enter the elevator and he clicks the 9th floor.
"Where are we going?" I ask as the elevator begins to ascend.
"Jadens and mine room. Theyre probably there if anywhere else." He says as we exit the elevator.
"Do you think they'll make it or what." I stop. I don't want to walk in on Lyra fucking someone.
"If it's more than lust. Yeah." He nudges me.
We walk over to the door. Anthony knocks and we hear sudden movement.
"I'm coming in." Anthony says.
I laugh slightly. "That's what he said." I say under my breath. Anthony looks at me and rolls his eyes while suppressing a smile. He opens the door and we enter. It's completely dark except for light coming from the bathroom.
"Bathroom?" I whisper pointing at the light on it there.
I don't say if he nods but I make him out as walking towards the bathroom as he lets go of my hand.
"Hello?" Anthony knocks on the bathroom door. "Jaden are you in there with Lyra? Scar is here to take her back to their hotel."
The door slightly opens and Lyra's eyes peek out. "I wanna stay here." She mumbles.
Anthony turns his head towards me, the bathroom light slightly making out a part of his body. We should've turned on the lights.
"Ly, lets go. You can see them tomorrow before we go up to Dallas."
"You coming to the Dallas show too?" Anthony asks.
I nod before realizing he probably can't see me. "Yeah. Noen doesn't know though."
"Don't buy the tickets, I'll get you both in." Anthony slightly pushes the door wider. "Where's Jaden?" He focuses his attention back on the situation.
"I'm here." Jaden wraps his arms around Lyra's waist and kisses her neck.
Anthony and I look at eachother and gag.
"Let's go Lyra." I grab her wrist and slightly pull her. Jaden lets go.
"Bye Princess see you tomorrow." Jaden blows Lyra a kiss.
"Cut of his pills." I say patting Lyra pocket.
Anthony seems to understand as he enters the bathroom and I hear rustling.
"No don't take those." Jaden says.
Anthony comes out and hands me the rest of pills.
"Thanks." I hug him and grab Lyra's hand as I pull her out the room and towards the elevator.
"You're a dumb bitch, but I love you." I say laying my arm on his arm and pulling her closer to me.
I rub the pills through the packet with my free hand.
These will help me do what I have to do.

i'm sorry for like being slow with updates but school & volleyball got a bitch without time ahaha

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