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                                Noens POV
*time skip* end of the school year, graduation just ended.

"You know, I never thought I would graduate on the first go." Lyra said, closing the backseat door.

"Me either." Scar said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, placing my hand on her lower thigh.

"What now? I mean yeah we graduated but you've made it clear you want out of this crappy town while Lyra wants to stay in Georgia and I don't even know what I want to do." She shifts, making my hand fall from her thigh, Lyra and I both stay silent.

Lyra got accepted into the Savannah College of Arts and Design as she's a pretty good artist, an even better one when she's high, I've been planning on just leave Georgia altogether and moving west to LA to continue pursuing modeling and my influencer career, Scar was the only one who never spoke about life after high school.

I worry sometimes that it was only because she never thought she'd make it past 18, she's almost there.

"Come on Scar, you had to be accepted into some college that interests you." Lyra leans forward so she's in between the two of us in the front seats.

Scar just shakes her head. "None that I care about."

"You don't just graduate salutatorian and not continue your education, you literally deserve to be recognized for your brains even after everything you've gone through." Lyra placed her hand on Scars shoulder.

Scar didn't reply and we all just sat there in silence for a few minutes before my mom finally sent me a text of the restaurant we were meeting at to eat.

I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

When Scar and I started dating, I noticed her getting better but only reasoned a few months ago that she  just became a better liar when it came to her feelings.

Back in December, she came clean to me about everything she did with Jillian before we first hooked up and even after, I assured it was okay and it was from before we were officially dating even though it hurt knowing she went behind my back and did shit while I was gone. She made a big deal of her blocking Jillian on everything even though I told her it was her choice and she began to ignore her.

Jillian finally got a girlfriend back in March and from what I've heard, they both got accepted into some good college out North.

Lyra and Jaden, on the other hand, began dating Lyra went to go see him in LA, they lasted up until around February when Jaden cheated on Lyra at a party he went to. Being famous and all it came out right away and many of Jadens fans stopped supporting him and shifted towards Lyra, gaining her a following. She's extremely loved for the drawings she creates and posts.

Since then, Lyra has stopped doing as many drugs and sobered up for the most part, she still smokes weed from time to time in order to 'let her creativity flow' as she puts it. She stopped doing other drugs and alcohol altogether as it reminded her of Jaden.

Scar and I went public back in February, she kept her account private for the most part despite having an extreme amount of requests as she didn't feel like the spotlight is for her. I post her often and she appears in my videos a good amount of times but she always makes sure I don't tag her, my fans nonetheless found out her socials.

I pull into the restaurant parking lot and stop the car.

We all get out quietly and enter the restaurant, looking for where my family is. Lyra spots them and points, we walk over.

As I pass by my mom she whispers to me, "Are you gonna tell Scar tonight?" with a little bit too much excitement. I hush her in order to preserve the surprise.

Dinner goes on as usual, we all talk and laugh, reminiscing the better times of the last year and a half.

Finally my mom grows too impatient and asks Scar what she plans on doing now.

"I honestly don't know, I never planned this far ahead too be honest." Scar answers, playing with her bracelets silently as a hush grows over the table.

"Oh, that's okay, I'm sure something will present itself soon." My mom says, way too obviously looking at me, Scar is looking down and doesn't notice but Lyra shoots me a weird glance. "What about you honey?" My mom says to Lyra.

"College, down south. In Savannah. For art." She smiles.

My mom looks at me and motions for me to speak now.

"I'm planning on leaving to Los Angeles next week." I clear my voice. "To live there."

Scars head shoots up, eyes widen, she knew I wanted to leave but I'm sure she just assumed it was to visit Chase and all my other friends.

"Really?" She says softly, I see hurt growing all over her face.

"Say the rest!" My mom says, ignoring how Scar responded.

I continue staring at Scar as I reach into my pocket. I had grabbed the tickets from where they were in the car and put them in here before entering the restaurant.

"I have two, one way, plane tickets.. Scar." I don't break eye contact with her as her expression barely changes.

She doesn't have time to respond before the waiter comes with the dessert and everyone eats excitedly, me included.

Scar doesn't talk the rest of dinner, including the drive back to her house. We drop of Lyra off first then I take her to her house.

"You never answered if you wanna go?" I say as I pull into her driveway.

"I don't know Noen." She puts her hand on the door to unlock it.

"Just think about it? It's exactly in a week, 6 days tomorrow. I just really want to spend my life with you Scar." I try to look Scar in the eyes but she is barely able to maintain it. I give up and say goodnight to her.

I kiss her cheek. "I love you." Scar says quietly as she exits.

"I love you too." I say, slightly smiling, so she isn't pissed at me, she's probably just stressed.

I wait for her to go in to her house before I pull out of the driveway and drive home.

The next week is going to be stressful as I have multiple shoots I need to do throughout the week meaning I'll barely be able to see Scar until the day we leave for LA.

this story is coming to an end next chapter but i do plan on making a 2nd book as a continuation in the future😔✌🏻


kisses to everyone who read this & hug from me when you're feeling sad

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