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                                      Noens POV
I wake up early just as the sun hits my eyes through the slit in the top of the tent.
Scarlett's still warped in my arms and I don't dare move to wake her up.
I stay still just appreciate the moment.
I shake my head.
I can't date, it'll cause too much drama.
I slowly reach over for my phone in my pocket.
The time is 10am. Why do I always wake up early for no reason. We went to sleep late.
I slowly move Scarlett out of my arms trying my best not to wake her. I get up and see Mason and Lyra are also cuddling. Yikes.
I wonder what's gonna happen between him and Amber.
I slowly grab a bag of chips and leave the tent. I inhale the fresh air. I start eating my bag of chips and sit on the bench facing the trees. A view Ill never get tired of.
A feel a pair of arms warp around me.
"Morning Noen." Scarlett's groggy voice says. Her arms let go of me as she sits down next to me.
"Hey Scarlett." I say offering her some chips. She shakes her head no.
"You can call me Scar too." I see her cringe when she says scar.
"Oh alright Scar." I say slowly. "What we doing today."
"I wanna go hiking when they wake up." Scar says to me.
"Why wait for them when we can go together?" I say to her. "I sort of know my way around these woods so if we get lost it won't be that bad." Her face lightens up. I smile.
"Let me grab some water." She grabs two bottles and hands me one. I take it and we head down the same past as last night.
"What's up lately?" I say trying to break the silence.
"Nothing much, I mean I've only been here for what four days and already have two bestfriends." She smiles and looks at me. "Life's good." I smile back at her.
"Let's take pictures." I say thinking about my instagram account. We stopped in an area with good lighting and took pictures of eachother.
I posted a picture of her to my snapchat.
"Do you even have social media?" I ask her.
"Instagram, it's scarlettstar." She tells me.
"Alright I'll follow you." I say while opening Instagram.
I request her account and we continue walking.
"How do you have 60k followers?" She asks me looking up from her phone. I smirk. "What's a TikTok?"
"You don't know what TikTok is?" I asked surprise. Everyone knows what it is even if they don't use it.
She shakes her head. "Like a clock?"
I laugh. "No it's like the new version of Musical.ly since they combined with TikTok." She stops walking and seems to understand.
"I've heard of Musical.ly. You have an account on there?" She asks.
"Yeah I have like 400k followers." I say and continue walking.
"Oh so you're famous famous?" She says and punches my shoulder.
"No, not really, I still have a long way to go." I say. "How do you not know what TikTok is really?" I look at her.
Her eyes to seem sadden. "I just missed a lot." She turns around. "We should head back, Lyra is probably awake by now." I run to catch up to her.
We walk the way back in silence. Sometimes I feel like I know Scar but then her personality does a whole 180 and I realize there's so many secrets she's hiding.
Lyra and Mason are awake. They're taking down the tent.
"Oh we're leaving?" Scar asks them.
"Yeah, we wanna head to Atlanta and eat at this good restaurant. You'll like it." Lyra says while she finishes helping Mason with the tent. Scar and I start putting the food away.
We all head back to the car.
Lyra drives, Mason is in the passenger seat asleep, Scar and I are in the backseat.
"What were you two doing this morning?" Lyra asks.
"We were just walking around." I say and look at Scar.
She's on her phone.
I snatch it from her. "Texting your boyfriend?" I say as a joke holding the phone away from her.
She has her seat belt on so as she reaches for the phone she can't move, her left arm sleeve slowly goes up. I freeze when I see fresh cuts buried in her wrist. I give her her phone back and don't mention it.
She promised me.
It's only been four days, how'd she already break it.
I frown.
"You okay Noen?" Scar askes me.
"Yeah, just remembered something sad." I say. Lyra looks at me in the mirror.
I watch Scar as she uses her phone. Why would she? I thought she said she was happy here? Those weren't there Thursday night.
We go to the restaurant and eat. We then walk around until we realize it's getting late and we have school tomorrow. We go back home. Mason and Scar are dropped off first.
"I need to talk to you." Lyra says as she pulls into my driveway.
"What's up?" I say.
"What did you see." She turns in her seat to look at me.
"On Scar?" I look at her. She nods her head. "She had new cuts on her wrist. They weren't there before." I sigh. "She told me she was happy today, that she was happy here. Why'd she cut herself then?" I look away from Lyra. I felt hurt. Lied too.
"Noen. Scar has had a rough few months. It's probably just memories getting the best of her." Lyra says. "We just need to watch out for her. I don't want her to hurt herself anymore. I would hate losing a bestfriend." Lyra's voice softens.
"She told you about herself? I try to know more about her but she won't let me close enough." I look back at Lyra.
"Yeah. She's just been feeling super lonely since. Even when I'm with her I can sense how upset she is. It sucks how I can't be a better friend for her." My phone rings.
"I need to go in. I'll text Scar. We'll both look out for her." I hold out my hand for Lyra to shake.
She shakes it and nods.
"Her guardian angels." Lyra says while I exit her car.
She pulls away and leaves.
I go inside and head straight to my room. Texting Scar and asking if she's okay.
I fall asleep waiting for a response.

thank y'all so much for 600+ reads wtf i never expected this much.
next chapter is gonna be a filler then timeskip to get to the good stuff whew

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