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Okay guys, so I want to ask you guys a question. However along with this question will be a few issues I have concerning this question. So please bare with me until the end!

The Question: I have given this a lot of thought and the more that I read them, the more it makes me want to do one as well just to see how it goes!

So the question is, should I do a kpop fanfic one shot book?

I know this is completely random and has no relation whatsoever to Disney or even to the Harry Potter Fanfic one shots book that I will be writing after I finish this series.

But you guys have been so supportive and your comments always bring a smile to my face. I think that this will be an interesting experience for me by trying to come up with something for this subject, but I do have a few concerns about doing this sort of thing!

1. It may end up being mostly English with a few Korean words here and there because my vocabulary for the language is to an extent.

2. I am worried that once people start to read it, they will not like it - because after all I have deleted some chapters on here and started over again because I didn't think people liked them when there were no comments flowing in!

3. I was thinking that it could be a multi kpop group book in which each would have their name and what group they were from along with the picture I would be using as preference. However, I have only seen a few books like that and they have turned out to have awsome results, but then again my anxiety tells me that I would fail.

Then again, I could just be over exaggerating and maybe you guys will turn out to like it as much as you have liked this book!

If you think I should go through with this idea please comment and possibly comment which groups I should do.

Please note that I will start out by making a kpop boy group book first - also that if I do not know the group very well then I may not use them!

Again thank you all for the support over the years and I hope you all will continue to read my material in the future!

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