one step wrong

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Malu was walking down the paddock, her stilettos slapping hard against the pavement.

The mink cape moved in sync with her steady walking tempo. Her bronze hair thrown back, the two men following her were dressed in all black and were impossibly imposing.

Until she stopped

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Until she stopped.

This wasn't supposed to turn like that. Malu raised an eyebrow as she looked all over Kimi Raikkonen. It's been too long since the last time they talked. She made an involuntary silent moan.

He'd always been so stubborn. So perfectly stubborn. It was exhilarating.


Kimi had had a relatively good race.

He had come fifth and he was satisfied. As satisfied as Kimi could be.

He went up to his room to change. He smirked and opened the door, closing it as he pressed against it and sighed.

"Won't you greet me, darling?"

Kimi froze and twisted around. He swallowed hard. That couldn't be her.

This was terrible.

Perfect time for his clandestine past to crawl all over him and spit on his beautiful family life.

"What are you doing here?" He asked breathlessly.

She uncrossed her legs and stood from the chair. Malu approached him in long strides, hand coming up to caress his face seductively.

She chuckled. "Won't you greet me, little darling? Properly."

Kimi shook his head. "If my wife finds you here..."

Malu smirked. "Wife? Oh, yes, I heard. Wife." She laughed, leaning back to sit on the desk. She motioned him to go forward. "Do tell. I must update myself in the whereabouts of your life. Heard Sebastian married the Van Dijk heir."

"I think you better leave."

Malu smirked and sat on the desk, legs slightly open, she threw back the mink fur cape, revealing the low cut décolletage of her lace shirt.

She laughed when Kimi took a step back. "Kimi, that's a first."

"I love my wife, Mal. Not worth it."

"I am not worth it?" She chuckled, head thrown back, she groaned and opened her legs further. "No one can hold your reins better than I. You play rough and strong and the dominant man. But, love," she looked him dead in the eyes. "You know how much you like me on top of you," He had moved towards her and Malu had grabbed his hand in hers, trailing her fingers up to his chest. "Or how much you liked to follow my beck and call."

She grabbed his face in her hand and pulled him closer, breaths mixing in a terrible dance

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She grabbed his face in her hand and pulled him closer, breaths mixing in a terrible dance.

Kimi pushed away from her, breaking their moment. "I can't. You're the worst. Remember why I broke our agreement? You're an unfeeling bitch, Malu."

She blinked before she managed to pull herself together and stand before him, the fur hung from her arm.

"I'm not unfeeling, Kimi. I loved our agreement after your divorce. We were fucking invincible, you and me. You're committed to our emotionless relationship. It was just wonderful, wonderful sex."

Kimi shook his head and went to open the door for her to leave. "I love my wife, I have two beautiful kids and my life is right, for once. Don't spoil it."

Malu smiled. "Alright, love. I wouldn't have approached you, but I was in town I thought maybe greeting an old acquittance may be good."

"Acquittance? That's all for you. That thing right there. No single feeling, nothing. I wanted it to last, Mal. I wanted that life I have now, but I wanted it with you."

She walked forward and hugged him briefly. "That life is not for me, love. You know what I do. You know the family business."

"I don't care about that, Mal. Seb married a drug dealer and Lewis' dating a mobster. Do you think I even care about your antiquities trade?"

"Good." She pulled back and sighed.

"As I said, I love my wife. Now, leave."

"I'm here for you if you need anything and I mean anything. You know where to find me, love."


Here it is. I don't know but this one feels great to write. Hope you enjoy it, I've got a good feeling about it. Drop a vote or comment. It helps a lot!

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