you should be here for me

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Malu and Kimi had decided on a simple wedding. She didn't have many friends, Alyona and Alessandra were enough. And if Kimi could help himself he'd had only just invited Seb. But inviting Seb meant inviting Alyona, Lewis, Alessandra, Valtteri and Alyona's weird cousin who probably was Valtteri's girlfriend.

Everything looked perfect. Kimi was practically glowing from some effervescent sentiment. Mal on the other hand was on the edge thinking something could go wrong.

Kimi had reached over to her in the car and kissed her trying to make her relax a bit. She kissed him back, reluctantly, her mind away flying to some weird scenario.

It was strange then, when their signs adorned the cream colored paper and the priest had pronounced them husband and wife, then and only then did Malu breathed out and relaxed.

Kimi turned and kissed Malu, and she whimpered, visibly shaken that she'd been married. Finally tied the knot. She only hoped her parents could have seen her, sometimes. But she wasn't weak, she wasn't sentimental and she had Kimi now.

She pulled back and smiled. Kimi capped the side of her face and pecked her lips again.

"I love you." He whispered against her skin before Seb's whistling made him smirk and look at his shoes.

When they got out of the church there was a car waiting and a man and a woman dressed in black suits.

And Malu's heart left her chest. Knowing fully well that Minttu has taken care of rendering Kimi unsuitable for taking custody of the children.

"Countess Christensen," the woman said and Malu nodded, pulling the tule away from her head.

"I have diplomatic immunity, you can't arrest me." She said, forgetting the wedding and everything else, Malu's face took on a deadly glance.

"We know, your highness. We just want to question you."

"And you decided to do so on my wedding day?"

"There are reports of financial misconduct in one of your Auction Houses."

"There is nothing wrong with our finances and I believe you'll find nothing at all."

"In any case, we have to investigate."


Kimi had gone half insane, Malu had been in the interrogation room for the past three hours with her lawyer.

Alyona and Sebastian had insisted they stay with them. Alyona had made a couple of calls and was pacing before them, yelling something in Danish on the phone.

She hang up and huffed as she sat down beside Sebastian. "Your ex, Kimi, is a fucking nightmare. She paid a fellow businessman to file with the police."

"Oh, come on." Sebastian exclaimed with a stupid smile on his face. "What would you have done in his place?"

Alyona snorted. "I'd have done something much, much smarter."

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

"She's an amateur. Think, Mal was staying at a hotel, she could have hired someone to put drugs in her bag, then called airport police. Smarter. Certain prison. At least three, four years."

"You know, you're terrible." Sebastian replied to his wife.

"Can't say that I care. You like me terrible."

Kimi groaned. "I can't believe you."

Sebastian chuckled. "Trying to lighten the mood, Kimi."

"Don't lighten it, Sebastian. There's nothing to lighten."

Alyona shook her head. "Nothing is going to happen to her, you know. She's the toughest."

Kimi shook his head. "I know. She's insane. But I can't not worry."

The door of the interrogation room opened and Malu was... laughing. Kimi froze. She was laughing with the inspector.

"We are terribly sorry, your highness."

"Please, don't mention it. Mistakes can happen." Malu replied as she shook his hand.

"We will investigate the lead you gave us, however, we cannot promise much."

"I did it out of good intentions, don't take it as a means to an end."

"Of course, your highness. Again, sorry for the incident today."

"Don't mention it." She turned around and feigned surprise. "Ah, my husband. I'll take my leave now. Thank you for your understanding, it would be terrible to press charges to an insane person."

"We understand, your highness. Enjoy the rest of the night."

When the inspector had left, Malu relaxed her shoulders back and took on a deadly glance. She turned and looked at Kimi who winced and stood at her side. He embraced her and pulled away kissing her forehead.

"I thought something terrible was going to happen." Kimi whispered and kissed her lips quickly.

"Everything is fine love. Everything is perfect." She smiled at him and sighed. "I believe she's going to have a few problems along the way."

"What did you do?" Kimi asked but then shook his head. "No. Don't answer that. Let's go home."

Malu looked over to Seb and Alyona. "Thank you, guys, for keeping company to my hubby."

Alyona waved her hand. "Nothing really. After shooting you it was the least-"

"Shooting?" Sebastian exclaimed and Alyona knew she'd said something stupid. "Where was I?"

"Ah," Alyona said and rolled her eyes. "You know, your baby makes me totally stupid."

"Our baby is awesome and you know that. When did you shoot her?"

"Well, I don't know. Five months ago. You were off driving, the kids were safe and I was bored. She came for a business in my business and I did what I had to do."

Sebastian pursed his lips and stood, pointing a finger at his pregnant wife. "You are grounded."

"What?" She stood suddenly and glared at him. "Let me remind you who I am. I'm your boss. I'm still your boss."

"You're pregnant! And you went off for a business?" He huffed. "And they call me reckless."

"Long story short. I'm still pregnant, no one died."

"That doesn't mean shit. You-"

Malu sighed. "Both of you stop. Let's all go home. We have a wedding night and you have... Whatever is that you're doing. Goodnight."

Alyona turned to Seb as Kimi and Mal walked away. "You need to short out your priorities. You told me to work and now you're going back on your word."

"Yeah, work. But not pregnant to my daughter."

"How do you know it's gonna be a girl? We decided not to know."

Seb smiled to his wife and touched his hand to her baby bamp. "Daddy's intuition."

At that Alyona broke into a smile and kissed Seb. "You'll be my death."

"No. I am your life."


Hope you enjoyed. It's close to an end. I think two more chapters. Vote and comment!!

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