always with you

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Malu was angry. She couldn't even manage a silent moment in her head. When she went in their bedroom she fitted her gun with the silencer and lay it against her bedside table.

She didn't know what was going on, but she sure as hell had that gut feeling. That gut feeling that something was going to happen.

Something bad. Something terrible.

And she was rarely ever wrong.

She had changed from her clothes to the black Kevlar vest and leather she usually wore when on a job.

When Kimi came upstairs to their bedroom he stopped on his tracks and stared at her. "What are you doing?"

She secured the third stiletto by her calf and shook her head. "Something is wrong."

"It's our wedding night. Nothing is wrong, Mal."

He made to pull his jacket off and unbutton his shirt.

"You should sleep." She said and loaded her other gun. "Sleep, I'll keep watch."

He snorted sarcastically. "Malu, your house is a fortress, nothing is coming in, especially tonight." He went up to her and stopped her from loading anymore bullets. "There are only two people that can bypass your security and I am pretty sure they are both getting laid now."

She smirked. "Oh, I'm sure of that. I just won't let anyone hurt you." She grasped his hand in hers. "I'll gut them with a spoon. If something happens to you, I'll tear the universe apart."

He kissed her softly and rested his forehead against hers, keeping her close. "Nothing will happen to me." He smiled at her. "I love you, Mal. More than ever. And you are my wife." He chuckled at the word. "I can't believe that."

"I'm doing this because I love you too, Kimi." She sighed. "Don't make me reckless because of it."

"I want you to feel safe with me, Mal. As you'll take care of me, let me do the same."

"If that is so," she placed the gun in his hand. "Now, I feel safer. I also keep another one under the bed."

"I don't like guns."

"Until I am sure you will be safe, the guns stay where they are."

"I've dreamed of our wedding night differently." He approached her again, he placed the gun on the bed and grasped both her hands. "I wanted to map your flesh with my lips, I want you to do the same, I wanted to taste you and make love to you in the slowest, sweetest way possible." He kissed her hands. "I didn't think you'll have to arm yourself so much."

"I'm doing this for you, Kimi." She kissed his lips. "Get on the bed," she said. "I'll join you once I've finished briefing my security team."

She kissed him one last time before leaving the room to talk with her team.


When she came back Kimi was sleeping underneath the coverlets. Malu sighed heavily as she sat up on the bed with her back against the headboard.

Kimi didn't deserve it. Kimi deserved to be with someone that could give him everything. She couldn't even give him a wedding night. It was shit ass terrible.

Kimi deserved the world and she only gave him a part of it.

She kissed his forehead softly and he grunted in his sleep. She smiled. He did deserve the world.

Malu kept the gun in her hand firmly. He knew though, when he said the fucking 'yes' just a couple of hours ago, he knew what he was getting into. Malu was paranoid when it came to Kimi's safety. The world better drag itself to destruction before she'd let him get hurt.

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