fear of the devil

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Malu had dressed in black.

As usual. But it was one of the few times she actually felt like the colour. She gave an order to her security team to keep a subtle eye on Kimi before she left.

When she returned, she knew regardless his beliefs, she has made the right choice. He was afraid of her, and she'd give him his damned space.

She picked a random guestroom and threw her handbag on the floor. She stepped out of her high heels. She knew she could barely sleep without his breath beside her anymore.

Malu decided to check on him. It had been hours since she last saw him, six or nine maybe. She couldn't recollect, she went out in the hallway and navigated to their bedroom.

She crept the door open and looked at him. He was soundly asleep on his stomach on the bed, the duvet lay at the middle of his waist, his feet had fallen out of the warmth.

Mal smiled and covered his feet softly before pulling the duvet up to his shoulders. She sighed softly and sat on the armchair to the side of the bed.

What was she doing playing house?

Her father would have disapproved. Strongly. Getting too attached to someone. Doing all these things for him. Being so reckless for only one man. No. Not just disapproved. Her father would have disowned her.

She rested he elbows on her knees and clutched her head with her hands. It was spiraling out of control. She had to do something. Probably that something would have been to break up with him again and send him off for good.

But not this time. This time there was the heavy weight of marriage over their heads. She shouldn't have married him. They loved each other, but that was it. Kimi was a good man. She wasn't a good woman. And that was it.

But this was different. This time they couldn't just break it up.


Her head snapped to the side at the sound of Kimi's voice. She looked at him for a moment before she nodded and stood from the chair to leave the room.

"Where did you go?" He asked just before she left.

"Sleep, Kimi."

She opened the door and walked back to the guestroom.


Next day had been even worse.

She had been training for hours already when Kimi had come down to the garden. She hadn't trained during the week and her muscles were burning, but she preferred that burn than Kimi's eyes looking at her disapprovingly.

She had called one of her men to train with her. She had been careless, he had landed a blow to her jaw, but she was distracted when Kimi came down.

Mal turned to the man who had been cowering away and glared at him.

"Good," she said and spit out a bit of blood. "Come again."

The man got arrogant and made to hit her side, but she side stepped him and kneed his stomach, she brought down her elbow on his back and jumped behind him, grabbing his hair and pressing him to the grass.

Malu growled and grabbed her hand around his neck tightly until he wielded and she let him go.

She stood and gave him her hand to help him up. Kimi pretended not to look at them, but she very well knew he was looking. She didn't want to hurt him, but flirting with Ryder sounded perfect at the time.

She smirked. "I'd like you on my personal safety detail, Ryder. You've been working for me for about ten years."

He nodded.

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