of pure despair

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Kimi was unconsolable.

Ryder had looked at Mara as he nodded, knowing full well what he had to do.

He knocked Kimi out as he strapped him at the backseat.

Mara turned and shook her head. "I don't like this, Ryder."

"None of us does." He replied sternly and got in the driver's seat.

"You think she'll survive?"

Ryder didn't answer. He started the engine. "Get in and call Dora."


Dora had come as fast as she could with as much armed professionals as she could find.

The three men from Malu's security had been positioned at the roof, she found them but she didn't find Mal.

That was when a cold sweat swept at her spine. Dora had had no resolve like Mal, she walked in the building with twice as much guns as the Italians had. She was either going to get Mal alive or Pietro would die.

She stood before the Italian man, Dora's people got him in the chair, the same that he had had Kimi bound. Dora pushed her hands in her pockets and looked at him with a curious face.

"Mal told me you sent her brother's ex after her." She said and leant on the railings behind her.

"Si, I did. But she tortured him and sent him back to me in pieces." Pietro said and shrugged.

"Where is she, Pietro?"

"She is dead don't worry," he shrugged towards the pile of bodies in the centre of the hall. "Got too many bullets in the gut to be alive."

Dora slapped him hard. "You fucked with my family once, you're not fucking with my friends this time around."

She pulled her silver gun out. Dora couldn't hold any of his bullshit.

"My family won't let this fall."

"Good," she said. "I'll kill them all."

He laughed and made to speak.

She shot him in the head.


Dora had been relieved to avenge her family's death, but alarmed on the state she'd find Mal.

If she'd find her.

She gave an order to search the bodies.

But she wasn't there. They kept searching.

Ryder had called to tell her that he had restrained Kimi again and asked after Mal.

Dora had this pain in the gut when she had to tell him that she still hadn't find her.

She decided to help around too. She kicked bodies to the side and took hostage of whoever was not yet dead.

Malu had been a year long acquittance, but had become a friend when they shared a common cause. And for Dora it was a matter of honour. Malu had delivered her Pietro, but Dora had yet to reciprocate to Mal what she deserved.

Dora kicked a man to the side with her high heels, she hadn't had time to change her suit, she had just grabbed her trademark silver handgun and left with her team.

She was getting restless. Mal was not a woman that would go unnoticed anywhere, she was strong and muscled and domineering.

How could you lose that woman?

Dora breathed heavily when a man shouted from the other side of the building. She snapped around and growled something in Russian as she walked up to him, gun firm in her hand.

She blinked when she saw the body the man was pointing at.

She wasn't even sure if it was Mal's body. The bullets were too many on the body even though there was a bulletproof vest underneath the black clothes, there were too many wounds for anyone to survive them. Even the impact on the vest from all those bullets should have stopped the heart.

Dora bent down and pulled the leather glove off the body's hand.

Her breath caught in her throat. That was Mal's wedding ring, the white gem with the rubbies. Mal was so proud of that ring, never taking it off, she had shown that ring to Dora with so much pride.

And now it was the only thing that set her apart the other dead bodies in that bloody awful factory.

Dora stood with the ring in her hand.

It was better if Kimi didn't see the body.

The ring would suffice for now.

She motioned for someone to check the body and turned her back towards them. Dora would take revenge from Pietro's whole family. She'd kill his brother and their children and their wives and then she'd kill all their cousins. She didn't care of the consequences, she already had an one way ticket to hell.

"Dora," the man that had knelt beside the body looked up at her.

She turned around.

"We need to get her to a hospital."

"She doesn't have any chance, Alexei. She wouldn't want to live a have life. Let her die in honour."


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