have me back

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Kimi had woken up disoriented.

He blinked in the slight darkness of the room before it all came back to him.

Malu. He groaned. He was in Malu's house. In his old room. His wife had divorced him over a misunderstanding and his head was killing him.

He looked down at himself and winced. Naked. He was naked, but he was sure they hadn't done anything.

Kimi wrapped a sheet around his waist and left from the room. He stumbled his way down the stairs to the kitchen, the house was all too familiar, Malu had changed a few minor things in the years that had passed.

He opened the fridge with one hand as he held the bedsheet with the other.

"Good to see you up early."

He yelped, letting the fridge door close in a rush. "Damnit, Jesus!" He shouted and looked at her, too startled for his own good.

"It's not like I'll trade your kidney, Kimi."

"You startled me."

"Good morning to you, too, darling." She looked him over and smirked. "What did you do last night?"

"I don't remember much."

"You were so drunk." She pushed him away from the fridge. "I'm still waiting for an explanation on the Ricciardo thing."

Kimi rolled his eyes and tied the sheet around his waist before he pulled out the pan from the cupboard to the side of the fridge.

"Long story." He said and went back to the fridge. "You still have ready pancake butter." He grabbed the container and went back to pan.

"You still eat fucking chia porridge with berries?" She pushed past him to get the chia seeds and the almond milk.

He shrugged. "I still have to be on a diet, Mal."

"It's not like you need it, darling."

"I can't believe you still eat the pancakes."

"Hmm, they're not like the ones you make, but I'm trying. Care to share your story?"

"We got out, got drunk, then Daniel had found a girl somewhere, I was too drunk to see anything so I tagged along with them and in the morning there were pictures on the bedside table of both of us naked sleeping like the dead on the bed in weird positions. Guess my ex wife found too much meaning into a couple of stupid pictures."

Malu sprinkled the porridge with berries before she moved the plate onto the table on what used to be Kimi's side.

"People can be decieving, Kimi. For example I wouldn't have done all of that." She went back up to him and crossed her arms as he prepared the pancakes. "I would have asked Daniel to join."

Kimi choked on his own spit.

"Are you, love?" She asked and patted his bare back lightly.

"You're fucking degenerate. Do you know that?"

"Ah," she exclaimed. "You always liked me as I am, what changed?"

He turned the third pancake and shrugged. "I wanted love and a family and all you gave me was a fuck."

"Admit it. You liked every moment."

"You are..." He pulled the pancakes from the pan. "Singular. But too emotionless."

"I have to be, or else I'd have no job."

"You remember that time in that village in Italy?"

Malu blinked. She knew exactly what he was saying. She remembered everything. That was the first time Kimi had been so insane about feelings and children. And it was also the time where Malu, saddened at heart, knew that her long arrangement with Kimi wouldn't hold any longer.

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