of life abandonment

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Dora paced the floor of her office. Malu's ring was held firmly in her hand.

Kimi sat at an armchair his hands were pulling his hair so hard he winced and stood.

Dora was too angry with both herself and Mal. And Kimi was paying for both of their sins.

She turned to him and grabbed his hand, pressing Mal's ring against the inside of it.

"She's a fighter, Kimi."

"I don't want her to fight." He said sharply as he looked at the right and clenched his fist. "Not for me. I don't deserve it."

"She gives her life only for those who deserve it."

"She would give her life to anyone, Dora." He shook his head and fell back to the chair, eyes wet from unshed tears. "She wants to be bad, bad and terrible and look uncaring, but she'd even step between a bullet and a dog."

"Not a dog, Kimi. She'd step between an atomic bomb and you. Only you. She loved you with all-"

"Don't," he said and shook his head. "Don't speak as if she's dead already."

She bent her knees and looked him at his level. "You need to come to terms that the doctors might not be able to save her. She has too many ribs broken from the impact of the bullets, she has bullets in her chest and her legs," Dora's eyes widened. "But you don't care, do you?" She said in realisation. "You just want her to live."

She sighed heavily and stood, moving a step away from Kimi, she clasped her hand at her jaw, rubbing her cheek in agony. "Mal wouldn't want to live at the shadow of what she was."

"I love her too much." His voice cracked and the tears spilled from his eyes.

"Then let her go."

"I can't..." He trailed as he sobbed in his hands, her ring pressed to his lips. "She saved me so many times, times that I don't even know about and-"

"She kept tabs on anyone she cared about, she kept them all safe. Sometimes even stepped in herself to take care of the threats." She turned and gazed at him. "You might lose a wife, Kimi," she said. "But everyone else loses their protector. I want her to live, but I also know her, because she's like me. I won't let her death go unavenged."

"I don't care about vengeance, Dora!" He shouted. "I want my wife to live so that I can worship every breath she takes of every second of my life."

Dora took a step back and crossed her arms over her chest. "Then be strong for both of you, because she doesn't have much left." She swallowed and looked away. "I need to call her sister."

"She will live, Dora."

"In case she doesn't, and I don't believe you want to take her job, her sister needs to take over the family business. Her children are old enough to help clean the mess. A position such as Mal's can't be left empty for long."

"I don't want you to call anyone. She'll live and she'll be fine!" He wiped the tears away and stood. "Mal is my wife, Dora. And she's my responsibility. Not yours. I'll do whatever I deem right if she doesn't..." He looked away as more tears began to gather in his eyes.

"She's my friend, Kimi. As close to the sister I never had. Don't even begin to think that I don't care."

"I can't live without her, Dora."

Dora bit her cheek and shook her head. "I know. Forgive me."


When the doctor came out of Dora's private house theatre, and Kimi didn't even begin to want to know how Dora ended up with an operation's theatre in her house, Dora stood sharply and glared at the doctor the most bone chilling glance Kimi had seen in his life.

It had been many hours, and even the doctor was exhausted and sweated. He was even wearing the green apron that had become a bloody shade from Mal's blood.

He pulled his glasses off and looked at the carpet.

That was enough for Kimi to draw in a sharp breath.

"I don't think she'll live more than two days," the doctor said.

Kimi fell back in the chair, his head hand between his knees as he leant his elbows on his thighs. Dora kept her death glare at the doctor.

"I fixed her at the best if my abilities. Some of the bullets passed through her as if she was nothing but a thin piece of paper. The damage is too great, I don't want to get your hopes up in case the worst happens." He turned to Dora. "I know that her death also means mine."

"You thought right-"

"No," Kimi interjected in Dora's words. "Just save my wife. There's no other way."

The doctor hang his head. "I'll do more than I can, be sure of that, Mr Raikkonen."

Dora crossed her arms. "Do that, doc." She said. "Do that or a god knows how many dead bodies you'd have to patch up afterwards."

The doctor nodded. "I'm doing my job, Miss Mikhailovna."

"When can I see her?" Kimi asked almost as if he was pleading.

The doctor frowned. "It's dangerous, she has to remain in a sterile environment."

Kimi nodded and closed his eyes. "Can you please return her, her wedding ring?"

The doctor's eyes seemed bright for a moment as he witnessed a rare form of love. He clenched his jaw and turned away, determined to do anything in his power to keep the woman alive for the man that loved her so much and the man she loved so fiercely to take so many bullets for.

"You'll give her the ring yourself, son." He said and walked out.


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