old times, good times

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The door opened and the silent thumping of heels echoed in the room.

The tall, imposing blonde woman walked in, gun in hand with a silencer fitted.

Kimi winced and moved away from the panels. "Alyona?"

She took a step forward and frowned. "Kimi? What the hell are you doing here?"

"No, Aly. What the hell are you doing here?"

Malu cleared her throat. "Excuse me, yes! What are you doing here, Van Dijk?"

"What I am doing here?" She said sharply. "What are you doing here, Christensen?"

"That's my house." She said, gun still pointing towards Alyona and Alyona was still pointing her gun at the woman on the bed.

"Your house? You tried to steal the Picasso from the Von Browns? I shot you?"

"I thought you were out of the business, Van Dijk."

"What out the business? What do you mean out of the business? Once a mobster, always a mobster."

Kimi growned, placing his gun on the table behind him. "Does Sebastian know? Your father?"

Alyona froze and looked at Kimi. "Don't tell him."

"Great, my friend married a what? A crime-addict?" He moved to sit by Malu's side, motioning for both of them to put their guns down, they obeyed with a groan.

Alyona shook her head, removing the silencer from her gun. "Look, Sebastian is in Italy working with the team and the kids are on grandfather time. Norbert and James had been fighting over who's the best grandfather for the past week. I'm a person, okay! I needed some me time."

"And that's your me time?"

She put the silencer on her belt and nodded. "Yeah, ask your girl over there. If you were made to abandon your illegal work, would you accept that? It's not like I go around killing everyone on my path. It was a little protection job."

Kimi groaned. "Yeah, you go around shooting people."

"Mal, girl. Sorry. I didn't know it was you. Don't tell Seb, he's gonna give me the talk. And then he'll tell my father, James, and it's going to be terrible."

Malu chuckled. "I understand, but your aim is a little rusty."

Kimi winced. "Thank God, her aim is rusty."

Alyona shook her head and let her gun by the bedside table. "Need any help with the stitches, Mal? Seb is terrible when he sees blood, almost fainted last time Tiana fell from her tree house."

Mal tried to sit up better on her bed. "Kimi is wonderful. Go back home. And I'll keep off the Von Brown estate."

She took her gun again and placed it into the holster. "I'm gone. Don't tell Seb, Kimi. Please, I'll go finish the job and head home. Sorry but your surveillance is terrible."

"Aly," Kimi looked up at her. "Go back to Seb."

"Alright, ok. Sorry again, Mal."


The rest of the week passed with little incident. No Alyona jumping in the house with a gun, or Malu having high fever. To Kimi's suprise Malu had been healing. And also Malu hadn't gone further than a few tender words.

She wasn't that cold with him. It was refreshing not to always be stepping on coals around her. It reminded him of when they had been so accustomed to each other that they didn't know when one began and the other started.

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