heart upon heart

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Mal pulled back just enough for Kimi to reach for the hem of her black leather shirt, he pulled it off her head and looked up at her eyes in wonderment.

Her thumb caressed the skin that appeared just above the neckline of his loose shirt. She licked her lips, tugging softly at the material of the shirt.

"Get that damned shirt off, I want to see you." She growled and pulled at his shirt.

He quickly removed the shirt, discarding the garment somewhere on the carpet. She bit her lip and lent down, laying nipping kisses at the base of his neck and down to his chest. She knelt between his legs, her nails scrapping his bare sides just painfully enough to earn a moan from him.

She kept kissing and nipping at his skin. His spine almost bent back at the goosebumps of her lips on his flesh. He moaned when her mouth came close to the waistline of the pants he wore.

He grabbed her hands and pulled her up. "You're my wife." He whispered against her hands as he lay his lips on the inside of her wrists and sobbed. He hid his face in her palms, but she felt the tender moisture of tears against her skin.

Malu lost it, she didn't like him crying, her heart couldn't live through it. She nudged softly against his face, but he kept holding her hands.

"My heart, what is it?" She kissed his blonde locks softly and pressed her cheek against the back of his head.

He let out a soft sob and kissed her hands. "You are my wife."

"And you are my husband." She whispered. "My beautiful, strong and loving husband."

Kimi pulled her to him, the top of his head reaching the line of her bra. He pressed his lips against the scars on her abdomen.

Malu shivered. Had anyone ever done this? Had she ever allowed anyone to touch her as she allowed Kimi? She didn't think so. His lips traveled to the lines of the crisscrossed flesh, mapping the ten lines that had permanently been etched to her skin.

His lips reached down, to where a child should start showing. He kissed her skin there, earning a string of shivers and moans.

"I love you, my wife." He whispered. "And I don't care if you can ever have children. All I ever wanted was you, Mal. From the moment I set eyes on you, from the first time you talked to me. When we broke up, I knew, I would never be truly happy without you. I've loved you for so long..." He shook his head as he lay against her abdomen. "So long. And now I have you. Now I'll get the chance to wake up with you by my side every morning. I'll get the chance to be yours unconditionally."

Malu pulled Kimi back and smiled. "I had a special set of lingerie made for this night. But we don't even need that. Do we?"

He shook his head. "All I want is to feel you."

She beamed at him, and pressed him to lay back on the bed. He complied with a laugh. She lay her hands on his waist and pulled at his pants. She kissed the subtle 'v' on his hips. She nipped a parallel line from the light blond trail downwards. She tugged at his briefs, her hands firmly holding his hips. She bared him before her in no time.

She stood back up and looked down at him.

"You're a human marvel." She said, wetting her lips. "Have I ever told you?" She chuckled and pulled the remained clothes off of her body. "Gods, I want to ride you."

"Nothing is stopping you."

"But I also want more."

"There's always a second time."

"Don't play games with me, Kimi." She clenched her jaw and climbed on the bed, straddling his hips. "I want you."

"You have me."

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