flying back at you

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Kimi didn't lose anytime to fly back home. He would have rushed to the airport with his racing suit if Seb hadn't forced him to change.

Seb had patted his back. "She's going to be okay, mate."

Kimi left his stuff in the car as he rushed through the house to get to her room.

When he got to the door, he stopped for a moment, and took a deep breath, he didn't know the state he'd find her. He pushed against the door with determination and stepped in.

The first thing that pushed him against the door was her eyes. That glance he hadn't felt on him for so long.

She sat with her back against the headboard, her eyes stuck on Kimi's face in amazement. She grasped against the sheets and bit her lip.

Alyona stood and turned to look at Kimi. She smiled. "I'll leave you, guys." For a pregnant woman her size she moved too fast out of the room.

The sound of the door closing jolted Kimi out of his trance with Mal. Kimi walked up to her and sat on the bed by Mal's side.

He picked up her hand softly in his and laid his lips against her palm. He closed his eyes and sighed, fighting the tears away.

"It's been too long, Mal. Too long." He whispered against her skin, he breathed heavily and opened his eyes.

And there it was, her eyes. He loved her eyes. Expressive and strong, but yet comforting for him.

"You are alive." She said and smiled.

"I'm alive? Mal, you almost died. No," he said and shook his head. "You died."

"I'm fine."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for that doctor Dora had you'd sure have died."

"Oh, Kimi. I'd have taken twice as much bullets for you."

"That's the problem, Mal." He said and stood, looking away from her. "Our love is becoming a terrible thing."

Mal chuckled and tried to move to the side wincing a bit from not having moved too much the past month.

She patted the bed beside her. "Lay beside me, Kimi."

He looked at her.

"Pull that jacket off, and lay with me."

"Mal, you're still-"

"I'm alive, you're here, Pietro is dead. I'm good."

Kimi pulled his jacket off and lay beside her, his head on her pillow at the level of her waist. She sighed and buried her fingers in his hair, combing them softly.

Kimi had missed this so much. He missed her fingers through his hair, her breath on his forehead. He whimpered softly and Mal leant down to press a kiss on his hair.

He'd miss that too.

"I'll always be with you wherever you go, Kimi." She whispered and kissed his head again.

"Oh, Mal..."

"And no one will take my ring off again, my heart."

He sobbed against her waist, tears of relief leaving his eyes and Mal kept her hand in his hair firm.

"I wanted to answer, I just couldn't. I love you, Kimi, and the thought of seeing you again was all that kept me alive."

He raised himself and kissed her softly yet passionately. His hand capped her cheek and he whimpered again as he buried his face in her throat.

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