we're both fools

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Kimi had grown anxious.

Malu had vanished from the house.

Kimi had this sudden urge to be there. With her. Like old times. Times that nothing mattered but a few moments with her.

She had been the one filling that void in his chest after every depressing race, after he took a breather from racing. She picked him up with her violent resolve and put him back together.

But he wasn't there to do the same for her. He had left her. He had moved on. She had too, but she had gotten broken in the process. Too broken. Apparently.

He sighed hard. It was almost midnight and she still hadn't come to the house.

The worst thing, though, was that she had kept everything. His clothes. His room the same. His favourite cup. He wasn't getting anywhere with her. One step forward were two steps back.

Bottom line...

Kimi still had feelings with her.

And it was terrible because they were hidden. Buried. In a deep cavern in his mind.

He blinked as he stared at the ceiling of the living room. This was terrible.

He closed his eyes and turned his head to the side, sighing. It wasn't just his mind that was confused. His heart was also in turmoil. Along with of course, his stupid life.

The door opened and closed with a thud and Malu winced, placing a suitcase on the floor, cursing so foul that the walls shuddered.

That was his Malu. Foul to a fault. But always the best at her job.

He sat up on the couch and saw her grabbing a bag and throwing her coat and hat and gloves in there.

"You still burn the clothes?" He said and she turned and threw him a glance.

"Can't leave traces."

"Smuggled anything good tonight?"

"If I tell, you'd be a liability."

"I wasn't back then."

"And I wasn't taking big jobs back then. I got medium ones. Now big ones are a normal occurrence. Got eight figures for the one I sold today."


"Yep. Dinner?"

"Spaghetti bolognese."

She groaned. "That's great. Have you eaten?"

"Couldn't wait for you. Didn't know when you'll be back."

"I'll clean up and come eat."


"Don't know. Surprise me."


Kimi had chosen 'Alien, The Covenant'.

Malu raised an eyebrow. Obviously, it was done randomly because he barely knew the characters.

She placed her plate on the table and turned, sipping her wine, propping her legs on his lap. The movie seemed to have zoomed out completely of her attention. Kimi had become the centre of it.

He always looked so emotionless, but he wasn't. And that was where Malu had gone mad. Kimi was the nicest, and he was so in sync with her, that she was just remembering how much his absence hurt.

She had accepted his request to break their agreement back then. Because it felt the right thing to do. Kimi didn't love her. It was only natural, granting him his freedom.

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