a proposal as dark as the devil

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Kimi could listen to slapping of high heels on the marble as he came down the stairs.

"This is terrible." Malu said. "Who did you work with before coming here, uh?"

Kimi decided to jump a few steps faster and silently watched as Malu walked back and forth with a stern grin. A young woman sat by the table with a laptop before her. She pressed her glasses to her nose and looked up to Malu.

"Miss Siegel."

"Alessandra doesn't work with amateurs. How did she employed you?"

"I am considered to be the best of my profession."

"As I've said, I still need to evaluate you on a number of levels."

"Like what?"

Malu nodded and sighed happily. "Glad you asked." She bent down and grabbed a gun from the chair, putting it on the table. "Miss Siegel is an office mobster, doesn't do business herself, she conducts them, but does not participate actively. I like to... Take the matters in my own hands. My last accountant ended up dead in his backyard. So," she said and crossed her arms over her chest. "How's your aim?"

The younger woman sucked on her tooth for a moment, looking at Malu through narrowed eyes.

She grabbed the gun so fast that Kimi barely saw her movement and shot, the bullet missing Kimi's head for a narrow gap.

Kimi yelped and ran down the stairs standing behind Malu.

The woman tilted her head. "How's that for aim?"

Malu raised an eyebrow. "Too arrogant. Hurt my toys and you're dead. How's that for a threat?"


"Good. Now," she turned and looked at Kimi and then back at the woman. "This is Kimi. He's a friend." She grabbed the gun from woman. "Kimi, this is Cressida. My accountant."

Cressida stood straightened her tight shirt, Malu noted the fact that she pulled it extra downwards to let more boob show, and went to greet Kimi.

She faked tripping on the floor and trying to lean on a shirtless Kimi, but Malu grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

Malu grasped her closer and hissed. "Keep your slimy hands off my toys, or else a bullet through the head would be the least of your worries."

"You did say friend."

"Pardon me, then." Malu hissed and narrowed her eyes. "I should have said boyfriend."

"Then be careful of your words."

Malu stared at the woman before her with the hottest glare, grabbing onto her with a fierce grasp. "Out." She growled. "Get out, now. Come by the office tomorrow."


"All business would be conducted in the office, get out."

Cressida pursed her lips and tagged her arm away, wincing and gathering her stuff from the table. She left without saying anything, closing the door a little too loud behind her.

Kimi turned to Malu. "Okay. What was that?"

"That?" She rolled her eyes. "That was the usual slutty bitch that thinks she's above me just because she does my finances. Don't worry, I'll fire her in a few days." She glared at the floor, not looking at Kimi or even breathing.



"Mal, are you okay?"

"No. Not really. I acted out of character."

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