a point of finale

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Christmas came far too soon.

The house was decorated enough to make Mal cringe every time she walked in through the door. She hadn't lived in so much colour probably ever in her life.

It wasn't terrible. It was actually good. At some point. Kimi was happy, probably glowing in a way she hadn't seen before.

And the kids were...okay too, she guessed. And she had warmed up to them, even allowed Robin a hug or two from time to time.

Dora and Daniel had been the first to arrive. Malu had the common sense to invite Daniel personally apart from inviting Dora in case Dora didn't take him with her.

"We've gone on a date like three times and he thinks we are together!" Dora exclaimed in the kitchen as they had gone to get a few glasses for the wine.

Malu laughed. "He's not a terrible man, Dora."

"I don't want to have a boyfriend. Or a husband or a whatever."

"I didn't want one too, but I wouldn't change my Kimi."

"Daniel is not Kimi."

"You can't not like him. He's amusing and I like his eyes. He's almost cute."

"Da, cute. I don't want cute. I don't want a man or a woman. I'm fine as I am."

"I know. But it's nice to have such an eye candy waiting obediently on the bed. Does wonders to your ego."

"I'm not even sure he'd like to be tied down."

Mal shrugged. "Ask him. I bet he'd like so much more. And you can try him. Once. To know if you'd like him to wait you on the bed naked."

"I'm tempted to say the least."

"There you go, you can thank me after you've fucked his brains out and all he can think about is you spanking him."

Dora laughed so hard she almost dropped the glasses. "Oh, Mal," she said. "I'm so glad you didn't die on me."

"I'm glad you found me. Otherwise Kimi would have been a widower."


Alessandra and Lewis had arrived shortly after.

Those two were a wholly different pair. Mal and Kimi were equally protective of each other, Dora and Daniel were not much different even though Dora acted as if she didn't care most of the time. Alex and Lewis were a strange lot. Alex was overprotective of Lewis and Lewis was more than happy to let her.

They seemed an odd pair from Mal's point of you, but rarely something surprised her these days.

What made Mal suspicious that something was going on was the way that Alex spoke to Lewis, there was an effortless sweetness and tenderness that she hasn't heard the woman ever talking like that to anyone.

Mal only hoped they were happy. She'd seen her fair share of unhappiness and wished for the best.

Time passed unfairly fast, or for Mal it was the perfect time to throw them off the house and drag Kimi to bed.

But looking at Kimi having fun with the rest of them was enough to make her nod off any doubts.

They've put the kids to bed when Dora pulled up a cigarette and dragged the poker cards on the table.

"Let's bet our guns." She said and pulled up the leg of her pants, she unholstered her gun and placed in on the table.

Mal shrugged and with the same way placed her gun before her. "Yeah, why not. I'm pretty sure Dora's the new version."

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