maybe we should

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Kimi's eyes flew open slowly. He took in a deep breath and looked down at the woman in his arms.

He smiled.

It was a rare occurrence to wake up with Malu in his arms. She usually stood and left after sex. It was unusual to find her nestled in his arms.

But it was welcoming. More than enough.

It didn't take much for Malu's hypersensitive senses to kick in and wake up fully. She stared at him for a moment longer before she smiled and tugged him down to her to kiss him.

He didn't know how, but everything felt different with her. Deeper. Bright. Dark at the same time. He pulled back to look at her, hand cupping the side of her face, his skin caressing hers delightfully. Searching and finding all he ever needed packed in one woman.

His heart was undeniably hers. And it didn't matter that she was hesitant with her feelings. It didn't. Not as long as they woke up each day in the same way.

He dipped in for another light kiss before she pulled back and stretched. The bedsheets fell from her chest to reveal her bare breasts to Kimi's hungry gaze.

He didn't know if this was done in purpose, but he always liked the way she stretched, like a feral feline, ready to pounce on anything that caught her eyes and Kimi wished to be at her total mercy.

This was paradise and hell.

"Morning," he said and leant into his hand as he looked down at her.

She frowned suddenly. "Thought this was a dream." She stood up abruptly, crossing the room to grab her robe from the armchair.

Kimi winced. And so fast the morning was ruined.

"Sorry." She said as she had her back turned to him. "I shouldn't have stayed. It's wrong."

Kimi covered his his face with his hands and sighed. "Wrong?"

"Kimi, in all the years that you've been with me, when have I ever slept on the same bed with you?"

He winced again. "Wins and birthdays. I know. But this is different. This is a different relationship than the last one."

"Is it?"

"I'm here to stay, Mal. And to be with you. Love you. Marry you." She winced. "No, no children, I know how that scares you. But be with you. Just be with you because today, when you woke up beside me and kissed me, my world clicked into place."

He stood and went up to her, bedsheet wrapped around his waist. He looked at her with the most heart warming expression he could muster.

She turned towards him and smirked. "I had to get myself the romantic one of all the drivers."

He huffed. "Believe it or not that's Lewis and Seb's job. I'm just the Iceman."

She raised her eyebrows and grabbed the sheet in her hands, tugging it so he could come closer to her.

She smirked. "I don't know about that, but right now you're certainly hard as ice."

She reached around him with her hand, shaking it inside, underneath the sheet to grab on his ass firmly. She looked at him, biting her lip, out of breath.

"Bed." She said in a hushed voice. "Now."

"I'll miss the flight."

"I don't give a damn about your flight. You'll ride the jet with me. I don't care. But I want you on that bed, middle, hands above your head, legs spread and you're not going to come until I say. Until you can't talk or even think."

He whimpered.

"Yes, Kimi." She sighed against his lips. "It's time to claim what was always mine. I'm going to marry you and when it's done, by gods I swear, I'll fuck your brains off."

Kimi decided to throw caution to the wind and smiled brightly before enveloping her in his arms tightly. He buried his nose in her hair and breathed in, exhaling with a sigh.

The strangest thing was that she had embraced him back. She had hidden her face against his shoulder and had closed her eyes, relaxing into his arms.

She sighed and kissed the skin on his shoulder.

"Do you really have to catch your flight?" She whispered slowly.

"I do. Court. For the children's custody."

She pulled back and looked at him worried. "Kimi,"

He swallowed, pain evident in his eyes. "It's okay. I know, I won't be given custody."

She pulled up her hand and combed it through his hair. "Do you want it?"

"Mal, I can't have both. You and my kids. You don't like children. And I love you, deeply. My children need their mother more."

She clenched her jaw. "That bitch you married has less sympathy than me. Where's the court?"

"Finland. Mal, don't do anything."

She closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled as she opened them. "I'm still learning this whole 'love' thing, but I know that it means stepping back when the other needs something as important as that. Do you know the name of the judge?"

"It's written on the papers, but, Mal-."

"Your attorney?"

"I've given up trying, Mal."

"In this case, I'll give you my attorney. And even though in Finland I'm not that well feared, I'll call in favours."

"Don't do anything, please."

"You love your kids, I won't allow you live a half life, Kimi. Let me take care of you. You don't have to be the macho man with me. You can let go."

He exhaled soundly and touched their foreheads together. "I know. But I'm exhausted fighting her."

"Well, I am...not." She pulled back, looking at him sharply. "If she wants war, she's going to get exactly that." She pushed out of his arms. "I'm calling my attorney. Go get ready."

He grabbed her hand and placed it against his chest. "I need to put a ring on that finger."

"No, love. I don't need a ring. I just need you to be happy."


She raised an eyebrow and licked her lips. "How about I put a ring on your finger?"

He chuckled. "That's not how things are done."

"Fine then, we'll get one for each other. Nothing too flashy for me, please. I hate jewelry."

"Oh, I know." He kissed her hand and smirked.


Long time no see. But here we go. Hope you're enjoying. Vote and Comment 😘😘😘

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