haunting the unwanted

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Mal was pretty sure Kimi was anxious.

She did know exactly why. Probably because she had been on an agreement for her new business with some...he didn't even know what it was.

He had been pacing outside of her office for what felt like hours when she stepped outside and looked at him.

"How long have you been out here?" She asked and kissed him quickly.

"Long enough. What are you doing?"



"Okay, fine. It's an antiquities business, some ancient piece. Nothing to worry about."

His shoulders relaxed. "Mal, don't make me worry so much."

She cooed and combed her fingers through his hair. "You think you'll age faster with a wife like me, uh?" She said playfully and pressed against him. "I'm okay, and you're safe, don't worry about anything. I have taken care of everything, my love."

"That scares me." He murmured and rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes.

She sighed. "Yeah, okay." She grasped his hands in hers. "Look, I'll need to fly somewhere."

Kimi went rigid. "Where exactly is that 'somewhere'?"


He took a step back and shook his head. "Not again with this foolish venture."

"Come on, Kimi. You know that whatever you say, I'll do it no matter."

"Why don't you ever listen?" He said sharply and shook his head.

"I'm not doing this again with you." She said softly and embraced him tightly. "It's a missile show, nothing to worry about. It's Dora's and it's big. And I have to go."

He wrapped his arms around her. "I don't like this."

"Dora has invited you too, but I don't want you to come-"

"Then it's dangerous."

She chuckled. "No, not really, but I don't want to get you so close to anyone's hands."

"Where is it exactly?"

"You know, Dora's factory."

"I'm coming."

"No, you're staying here where it's safe."

Kimi pulled back and kissed her. "I'm coming."

She took a step away and shook her head, her voice too angry. "No, you're going no where."

Kimi understood something in that moment. "Why, Mal? Why?" His voice seemed equally angry. "Who has you so scared?"

"It's none of your business."

"It is when it has my wife so alarmed."

She looked away. "Kimi,"

"No!" He said. "You're either telling me or I am leaving you."

"What?" She asked angrily but surpassed. "You can't be serious?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Hell I am!"

She groaned then and tapped her high heels against the floor, mimicking his position. "Okay, fine!" She raised her arms in surrender. "You remember the scar I showed you on my hip?"

He nodded. Of course he remembered, he knew all her scars by heart.

"That mafia faction will be at the show. And I don't want you anywhere there if they try to hurt me at least I'll be the only casualty."

"You fucking kidding me, right?"

She rolled her eyes. "I've been planning it." She said and bit the inside of her cheek. "The weapons business and then the agreement with Dora, they murdered her whole family. And they tried to hurt you. Don't ask me to drop my plans because I won't."

He took a step away from her further. "You know, every revelation you make is worst than the last one. I don't know where this is gonna end."

She shook her head. "This work never does."

He took in a deep breath and approached her again. "When will this stop?"

"When you are safe."


Malu flew out earlier than Kimi expected. From the moment she landed she hadn't had any time to call and check on him.

She worked with Dora to perfect their plan. And her mind always traveled to Kimi, hoping he'd finally be safe. She sure as hell put her life in the line and she'd always do that for Kimi.

That day had been the third day she had been away. She went over the plan one more time and dressed to go to Dora's office.

That was when the door knocked and a letter was thrust into the room. She stared at it for a moment longer. Something terrible happened, somewhere. She could feel it at the pit of her stomach.

She picked the letter and tore it open.

The remainings of the folder fell to the floor.

"Kimi," she whispered as she took a step back and her eyes widened, her heart pounded too fast, rendering her breathless.


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