bad, bad romance

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Malu had picked up the phone with a bad bad resolve.

Business was not always that high. It had it's up and downs. She wasn't a murderer like Alessandra Siegel or an ex drug dealer like Alyona Van Dijk.

Antiquities were a hard trade.

It required specific skillfulness.

She sighed. "Christensen." She said darkly into the phone.

"This asshole here said he's gonna pack me and send me to my ex in pieces. Tell him to move the fuck over."

Malu blinked. That was quite impossible. How the hell... "Kimi?"

"Yes, yes. Tell your asshole to move over."

She shook her head, eyes widening. She went to the monitor and checked the cameras. Kimi was waving at the camera. Malu pressed a button and the door opened. She saw Kimi giving the finger to the guard before he got into the car, stumbling.

Great! A drunk Kimi.

She went and opened the main door of the house and waited, seeing Kimi's Ferrari coming to her doorstep. She crossed her arms and leant into the doorframe.

He got out of the cat cursing some non existent enemy. He closed the door hard enough and approached her, a bottle of vodka in hand.

"What are you doing here, Kimi?"

He smirked and chuckled, walked past her and into the house. "You changed the house."

She shook her head and turned, closing the door sharply. "What are you doing here?"

He narrowed his eyes and pointed at the painting to the side. "Glad you kept that. Paid too much for it. But you just wanted a fuck."

"Answer. My. Question." She said sharply, forcing a low moan from his lips.

"I wanted to see you."

"No, Kimi. Six months ago you said you didn't want to see me. You can't do that now."

Kimi turned around and laughed. He went and sat himself on the sofa. "That vase there, too. That was another gift. Glad to see you didn't sell that."

Malu walked over to Kimi. That was unusual. Ten years since their break up and six months after their last meeting and Kimi didn't want to do anything with her the last time. Something was very wrong.

She grabbed the vodka out of his hand and placed it on the other side of the table.

He groaned and looked at her. "Is the rest of the house the same as before?"

"What happened, Kimi?" She went around and sat across him, legs crossing at the knees.

Kimi sighed and stood. He went to the bar on the side and grabbed the whiskey bottle, filling up a glass. He returned to the sofa and this time he sat beside her.

"My divorce was finalized this morning."

Malu raised her eyebrow, trying to understand the situation. This was peculiar. Weren't they deeply, desperately in love? "So she gave you a divorce."

Kimi picked up the vodka. "Yes, that's what I said."


"Sort of."

She nodded and tried to piece it all together. "Because she thought you were having an affair with..."

"Ricciardo." He took a massive sip from the glass. "She thought I was hitting on Daniel. I honestly wasn't, it was just a bad moment."

"You weren't?"

"For fuck's sake, take pity on me." He sampled the whiskey again. "I'm so miserable I'm even searching consolation from a mobster." He drank a bit more.

"I'm not at my best...but I can arrange something for your ex. Nothing lethal, just scary."

Kimi shook his head. "Go out on a date with me."

"Okay, that's scary."

"I'm being serious."

"You're drunk. You remember where your room is. Sleep. Clean your mind from the alcohol. We'll talk in the morning."

Kimi groaned and moved closer to her, his hand going beneath her skirt. He breathed down on her bare shoulder and leant to pressed his lips on her neck. The hand on her skirt snaked around to the inside of her thigh, drawing a little moan from her lips.

She stopped his hand with hers and pulled it away from her

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She stopped his hand with hers and pulled it away from her. "I'm not your back-up fuck, Kimi. I'm not coming second to no one. Especially now."

"You were never able to resist me, Mal."

"I have more self-respect than any of your exes, love. I might want to fuck your brains out, but that doesn't mean I don't have an ego."


"Kimi, no!"

"Have you had many lovers since then?"

She stood and exhaled. "You know the way upstairs. I'll see you in the morning."

She turned around, but Kimi grabbed her hand in his, he looked up at her like a fucking sacrifice to some unknown deity, all pleading wonderful eyes, shirt slightly open, hair on mad angles.

He brought her hand before his eyes and started placing little soft kisses on the inside of her wrist, above her veins. The son of a bitch remembered everything. Even that little detail. That little damn detail that had her meowing like a freaking cat.

She pulled her hand and slapped him. She groaned and leaped in, grasping his face in her hand firmly. "I'm not gonna give in to you, not now, not when your heart still belongs to her. When your head clears, come find me."

She moved away, going to her study

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She moved away, going to her study. "Make yourself at home, love."


I'm already loving this. Too much. Comment and Vote.

I'd have to disappoint but my Valtteri fic is taking longer to update. But I will update it!!!

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