eyes blue as the sea

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Three months.

It's been three months and Kimi called once to say that his son was healing and well and ask after her wounds.

But nothing more.

And Malu didn't ponder much. She didn't care much. Kimi probably had drawn a line over her name. And Malu was alright thinking that she had mentally done the same.

She was healed and back on business more set than any other time. Obviously this time she had opted for a kevlar vest underneath her clothes.

Apart from turning totally mental inside her own house, she had become overactive on her job. Every other day she took big jobs and the days that she hadn't managed anything she kept her presence on the auctions visible.

That was until Minttu appeared one day in her legal auction house, fighting over a vase with some random guy. Malu was certain all this was happening because that infernal woman wanted to get Mal's attention.

Which succeeded because Malu withdrew the vase from the auction and ordered Minttu to be delivered to her office.

Malu was glaring at her financial dossiers, her pen between her fingers. Minttu entered the office and waited for Malu to acknowledge her.

Mal signed on the paper. "You can sit down. Terrible, choice of shoes."

The woman huffed and sat on the chair before Mal's desk, crossing her legs. "You had time to check my shoes? You didn't even look."

Mal turned the paper, still without looking at her. "I know everything about everyone the moment they walk through the door of my company. How did you think I build all these?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the way you drew my husband between your legs."

Malu signed again and closed her dossier, sitting back. "Listen," her eyes stern, her voice deep and intimidating. "I can shot you now, cut you in pieces and throw you in the sea and no one will notice. They'll think, good, old Minttu couldn't stand being with her husband and ran away. Don't dare insult me, or think yourself above me, it will only bring you suffering."

Minttu swallowed hard. "I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be. Because if Van Dijk is a strong and fearful woman, I'm the devil and I can put you through hell." Malu stood and walked over Minttu towering over her. "You're right. Death is not enough. I'll torture you in any way I know, all the days of your life until I'm bored," she grabbed Minttu's chin in her hand and pulled back, rubbing her fingers together as if whisking away dust. "And decide to clean your dirt."

Minttu shook her head. "I'm not here for your charming little antics." She stood and looked at Malu. "Where is my husband? Where do you have him?"

Malu licked her lips. "First. Ex-husband. Second, I haven't seen him since his son was in the hospital. Why, you quarreled again and thought you'd find him between my legs?"

"Watch your mouth, Christensen. You took my husband away the first time you have no moral qualms to take him a second time. Where is he?"

"I'm not cheap, Virtanen. If I wanted a fuck I'd have opted for a higher price than your ex. Plus, I haven't seen him in months."

"Then where is he, if he's not with you?"

"Why would I know? Maybe you scared him away and has gone to drink in a god forsaken hole in Finland. You tell me. And you divorced him, remember? You divorced him over a misunderstanding. Why do you care?"

"I made a mistake coming here."

"Sure, you did. Just to clarify, Kimi and I were over long before you ever came into his life. We are just friends, not fuck buddies." She nodded and went back to her chair behind the desk. "You can leave now. And take the vase as a sign of good will."

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