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Kimi had asked her to come to that WAG thing, she hated it, called him a phallocrat and he promised he'd let her spank him. She laughed and left for a quick visit to one of her auction houses.

She went back to their hotel room when she finished inspection of the logs and waited for Kimi. But instead Vettel knocked on the door and Mal was angry.

"Sebastian," she looked at him. "Kimi's not back yet-"

"I know, but I've lost Alyona and I don't know where she is."

"So what do you want me to do?" She crossed her hands over her chest.

"You're a...you know. You must get the criminal vibe up and sense of where my pregnant wife would go. Please."

"The restaurant."

"Malu, please!"

She grunted and nodded. "If I was whale sized and had a brat in me..." She rolled her eyes. "Still the restaurant."


She laughed and leant against the wall, she pushed her hands into her pockets. "She'll be back, we are talking about the Van Dijk. She's fine."

"Mal, if something happens to her-"

"She can hand anyone's ass. She shot me while pregnant by the way."

"I know. But I can't not be scared-"

Mal's phone buzzed loudly. She went to the desk and pulled it up. "Here she is." She answered the phone and put it on loudspeaker.

"Hello, Al." Mal said and Seb grabbed the phone.

"Don't play pranks on me, Alyona!" He said sharply.

And Alyona was laughing. "Come on, Seb. It's not like I don't have security with me."

"Where are you?"

Alyona chuckled. "The hotel's restaurant."

"You kidding right?" He threw a look at Mal and rolled his eyes.

Malu mouthed him an 'I told you so'.

"I'm coming right down." He told her and hang up, passing Mal the phone back. "Can't believe you were talking seriously."

"Woman's intuition, Seb."


Kimi returned to the room with a grunt. He threw his bag on the floor and fell on the bed face down.

Malu tapped her tablet and placed it to the side. She moved closer to him and pulled back his hair from his face.

"Exhausted much?" She said softly.

He grunted and grabbed her hand placing it against his cheek. "First race is always bad."

She smirked. "Finally a coherent phrase instead of a grunt."

He bit the inside of her wrist and she chuckled. "Come with me tomorrow."

"I was promised a spanking."

He grunted again. "I'm too exhausted for your kinky fuckery."

She laughed and pushed at him softly. "Get ready for bed then."

He complied groaning, he went to change and climbed in the bed under the covers beside her. She turned on her side and moved into him, arm wrapping low on his waist, her palm rested against his bum.

"It felt terrible to be without you." He murmured against her forehead.

"That bad, uh?" She kissed him softly. "I was at the auction house today. Brought you something."

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