mal taking a step forward

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She closed her eyes and sighed.

This was it. No more backing out. No more Alyona telling her shit about being afraid.

She fucking wouldn't let herself be scared by a ten year old.

Malu thought of it as business. Yeah, business. It was business.

She bit her lip as she entered the house.

A solid mass wrapped itself around her legs and she panicked, staying very, very still. Her hand itched towards her gun, but she stopped when she saw Robin wrapped around her leg.

Her hands flew behind her back and she froze. Kimi walked in and stood by the entrance of the living room, he leant onto the doorframe and smirked.

'Kimi!" She mouthed but Kimi just crossed his arms.

She rolled her eyes and pulled Robin slowly and softly to the side.

Business, she told to herself in consolation.

She cleared her throat and bent to Robin's level. She smiled warmly and looked at the blue eyed boy, a carbon copy of Kimi.

"Hey, there, Robin. I'm Mal." Gosh, she sounded like a chicken.

Robin nodded and hugged her around the neck. Her hands felt too useless and for a moment she was again frozen, but she told herself she would fight her fear of kids and plaster it all over Alyona's face.

She pulled up her hands and patted awkwardly against Robin's small shoulders.

He pulled back and told her silently. "Daddy's happy here."

Mal tapped her finger against Robin's nose playfully making the boy laugh. "And are you happy here? Your sister?"

"If daddy's happy, I'm too. Ria is okay."

Malu frowned. "And what would make Ria happier?"

Robin shrugged. "I guess she misses mum."

"Do you miss her, my boy?"

"Sometimes, but I'm old enough!"

"I'm sure you're big and strong like your daddy. If you miss mum you know you can come play with me, we could call her sometimes. Ria can come too."

Robin seemed relaxed as he nodded. Kimi tensed on the part where Mal offered to play with Robin. He sure as hell didn't want his kids playing with some medieval axe.

She stood and took Robin's hand. "Come, let's go find Ria."

"Oh, Ria is sleeping." He said and tagged at her hand. "Can you play that?" He pointed at the black grand piano to the side of the room.

"Yes, I can play something for you if you want to."

He nodded. "I'd like that."

"Now?" She asked and chuckled.

Robin nodded. Mal turned to Kimi motioning him to take Robin to the couch.

"Okay, Robin," she said and pulled off her jacket leaving it on the back of a chair.

Mal was exhausted. Having left the house through the first floor window, climbing down the side of the wall, driving to work with her flip flops, getting in the office through the back door and having a spat with Alyona was taxing enough on its own.

Business. She told herself again.

She sat on the piano bench. She was classically trained, her favourite composer was Sibelius and she had no idea what the world listened at some point. No time to catch up. Business was booming.

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