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It's been just over a week since Yoongi had seen the mysterious beautiful boy at the children's play park and if he was being honest, he couldn't seem to shake the thoughts of him from his mind.

Who was he?

Yoongi unlocked the door to his shared apartment, he had just returned home from work and it was around 5 in the evening. It was a little earlier than usual for him which meant his girlfriend would be home, although he wasn't sure whether that was a curse or a blessing.

"Hey babe!" His girlfriend Seo-Yoon greeted with a kiss on the cheek as he entered the room, the room smelled like chicken pie which meant that she cooked without him. Yoongi didn't mind this but it did mean he went without dinner again.

"Hey, you eaten already?" He asked with fake sincerety as he already knew the answer, Yoongi was tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep.

"Yep!" She smiled as she drug his hand and pulled him over to the couch. He sighed but followed along despite his displeasure.

"Let's cuddle." She tried to hug and pull his body close but he shuddered and pushed her away without thinking. It was his natural reaction to most people other than his best friends, but he usually managed to control it around her.


It wasn't that Yoongi didn't care for Seo-Yoon because he did, he just didn't love her- or even like her romantically. He had realised a while ago with the help of his best friend,  the infamous Kim Namjoon, that he was one hundred percent gay. When he approached Joon with the lingering thought, he sat him down and talked with him; being gay himself he helped Yoongi figure himself out.

The thought of being so close to his girlfriend like this was uncomfortable to say the least since he did like girls in the slightest. Why didn't he just break up with her? 

He felt bad.

He didn't want to break her heart, he believed that she well and truly loved him and even though lying was causing Yoongi to suffer every single day he could live with the pain if she was happy.

He hated hurting people. 

"What's up baby?" She asked, confusion laced in her concerned expression.

"Nothing, I'm just not feeling too well I guess. I'm tired- do you mind if I just head to bed?" He tried to soften his voice to make up for the lack of physical comfort.

"You do this every night! Is it me? Am I not good enough for you?" She removed her hands from his waist and pushed his chest with anger.

He shook his head no, "Not at all baby, I've just been working myself too hard with the new song and all." He lied partially. He was working on a new song which took up a lot of energy but if it had been the cute boy from the park he would've given up anything to hold him close.

Wait what?

His heart rate increased at the thought, mentally scolding himself for thinking such things.

"Fine whatever. You're songs are stupid anyway, why can't you give up the stupid dream and make more time for me?" She whined jumping onto the couch while flicking on the television. 

Anger boiled inside him but he remained calm, not wanting another argument.

"It's just important to me okay? Anyway I'm heading off now, goodnight." She huffed in response.

He didn't bother with the 'I love you' he was too pissed off to try and keep up the act right now. 

Yoongi headed into the bedroom and threw himself on the double bed reaching for his phone.

Joonie 🐨

Hey dude

Hey man, can we do
something tomorrow?

I had plans with Seokjin,
I can cancel if you want?
Did something happen?

Nah he can come too he's cool,
I guess I just need a break.

Okay ^^, is Seo giving you
a hard time again?

Yeah god, why did I ever
agree to date her?

Because you panicked?

Lol yeah. Also, I met a cute
guy last week I can't get him
out of my head helpmeplease

OH MY GOD finAlly.

WhAt dO yOu mEan fiNallY

I've been waiting to give you
cute guy advice for ages!
So, what's his name?

Well- I don't know I met
him at the park last week we
didn't really talk much but I
can't get him out of my head ugh

Wow yoongi, wow
Okay first off you have to-

Have to what?


Imagine him naked.

Y-you're kidding right?

Did you really just stutter
over text? You're such a
fork lol and idk


F o r k

Stfu you dirty spoon


Lol I gtg she's back- see you
tomorrow at Jin's Cafe thing?

Yes there 😑, cya fork!!



D O R K*** goddamit.

Yoongi smiled after shutting off his phone and hiding it away in the draw feeling Seo-Yoon enter the room then the bed. He shuffled closed the the edge and waited for sleep to overcome him.

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