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Yoongi unlocked the door to his apartment once again. The meet up had finished and Namjoon dropped him home.

Not hearing anything upon entering he assumed that his girlfriend had gone out once again. As much as he didn't feel attracted to her and as much as she would piss him off his heart still ached at the possibility that she was with someone else.

I wonder, if I go to the park again, will he be there? Probably not. He thought to himself as he headed into the shower.


Yoongi had been sat in his studio all day working on his new song and he was getting overly frustrated. Nothing sounded right and he needed a break.

It was another week after the hang out at Jin's Cafe and two since he had met the mysterious boy who still crossed his mind every once in a while. He didn't know who he was but he was certain that he wanted to meet Hope again.

Grabbing his phone, which had died a while ago, he walked into his bedroom and plugged in the charger waiting a while for the device to turn on he noticed a few missed calls from both Joon and Jin.

He sighed as he called Jin back, who had called him last.

The call connected after and few rings.

"Finally!" He spoke.

"Aha sorry, I was in the studio." He rubbed his neck sheepishly, he cared a lot for his friends and hated when he let them down even if it was something as small as a missed phone call.

"It's fine, honestly thought dude have you been sleeping well? Eating enough and taking breaks?" Jin questioned with a concerned but firm tone of voice; almost like a mother.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He huffed. Being honest he hadn't really been doing well with that kind of thing lately, he was seeing less and less of Seo-Yoon who had been leaving early in the morning and coming home late at night. On top of that she had become extremely secretive, Yoongi threw himself into his work so he didn't have to think about her.

"Hm, well how about we come over?" He suggested. Jin, along with Namjoon knew exactly how to help Yoongi when he's feeling stressed, even if Yoongi doesn't always accept it.

"Who's we?" He asked, last time Jin said anything that involved the word 'we' they had a whole drunk ass party on their hands and God knows Yoongi couldn't handle that shit again.

"I'll text Jimin and see if his friends are free, me and Namjoon will arrive in a few to help clean up your place if want." The idea wasn't half bad.

Yoongi groaned,"Why my place?"

"Because I can bet your ass that you don't want to go anywhere near the outside world right now." Jin chuckled knowing that he was right. 

"Fine fine, I'll see you asses soon." He hung up once he heard conformation.

Yoongi left his phone attached to the charger and went to shower and clean up, not that he wasn't clean he just hadn't left the studio in days so he felt disgusting. 

That also meant he hadn't eaten anything but a few cookies in days either.

Once he had cleaned up he wore some black leather pants with a tucked in black graphic tee and leather jacket. It was slightly different from his usual black jeans and oversized jumpers but he felt good to fuck it.

Looking in he mirror he examined his Mint coloured hair and noticed that it was starting to fade, that's a shame, it's my favourite colour yet. I'll have to dye it soon I guess.

He heard the door open and sighed, rembering that he gave those idiots a key to his apartment for some reason.

"Yoongs!" He heard Namjoon yell, he responded with a simple, "coming." And made his way into the living room.

Jin engulfed the boy in a suffocating hug with a light hair ruffle, if there was something Yoogi really hated it was skinship. He patted Jin's back and the other let go.

"Can one of you order pizza, I left my phone in the bedroom." He huffed taking a seat on the couch. Jin nodded and left the room to order the usual.

"Are you sure Seo-Yoon won't be back?" Joon asked with concern, he knew that if she caught Yoongi hanging out with anyone more than the current two she would bite his head off. It happened once when they had brought Namjoon's sister over to discuss something. Yoongi called him after to vent about how Seo-Yoon kept yelling and hitting him while throwing all sorts of  cheating accusations at him.

"No. Lately she doesn't come home until past midnight," Joon muttered a 'why?' To which he replied with "No idea."

The other nodded and Jin returned.

"So what are we gonna do when the other arrive?" Yoongi asked knowing 100% that neither of them had planned this far ahead. 

"Well, we could watch a movie?" Namjoon, the more sensible out of the two asked and since neither of them had any other ideas they just agreed and set up the movie player.


This is Yoongi's outfit^

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This is Yoongi's outfit^

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