twenty three

428 23 21


The movie finished after a few more of Seokjin's comments and an encore of laughter.

Since it wasn't that late, only one am, Jimin had thrown out the idea of playing truth and dare. Since none of the members were tired or wanted to part ways just yet they all agreed and gathered in a circle.

"I'll go first because I'm the oldest," Everyone rolled their eyes as Jin who continued the play the 'oldest' card. "Kookie, truth or dare?"

"Truth! No wait dare!" He switched between the two which was typical of the indecisive youngest.

"I dare you to," he thought for a moment before busting out into giggles "I dare you to let me go through your phone and post whichever photo I want to your socal media account."

Jungkook's eyes widened and he clearly looked terrified. "You can't back out now Jungkookie." Yoongi said with an evil smirk.

"Fine. Just- only you can see what's on there." He said with a huff and his face burning.

"Yeah we don't want to see your or Tae's nudes thanks." Hoseok muttered with a disgusted look on his face however his statement only caused the younger's face to redden deeper. 

"I don't-" he began to defend when Seokjin grabbed the phone from his pocket and somehow manged to figure out his password.  No one even questioned it because Seokjin was known for figuring things out that shouldn't be possible- he was just a rat sometimes.

"Kook, I assume 'mommy💜💕💞❤😙💅' is your Eomma because I not I  don't even want to know what kinky gay shit you've been getting up to." Seokjin looked up with worry at Jungkook who looked oddly amused. 

"Yeah that's momma."

"Then what about 'babyboy😇😙-" they hadn't finished reading the rest of the emojis before Jungkook swiped the screen.

"Let's just find the picture please."

"Okay okay, hmm." Seokjin watched the screen carefully as his finger made the scrolling motion, his facial expressions changing from photo to photo.

"Oh wow okay, didn't need to see that. I don't wanna go any further so let's just go with this one." He showed a photo Jungkook from a few years ago.

"Oh my god, you look like a coconut!" Namjoon spoke with his jaw agape trying to hold in his laughter.

"Oh shut up, I've seen your old hairstyles Hyung." That's shut Joon up almost immediately.

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