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"What the hell!" She shrieked, a look of desperation and anger painted on her average face.

"I saw you last night. You and whoever the guy you were fucking was." Her expression morphed from anger to shock. 

"I- YoonYoon- Babe-" She stuttered out reaching her hand to try and intertwine it with his, Yoongi only pushed her away.

"Save it. We're over, I'm going back to pack my things and I'm gone. Don't even think about contacting me again. Goodbye Seo-Yoon." He spat and walked out. 

It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders and for once he didn't feel tied down or limited.


I did it Seok

Damn I finally did it

AHHhHh I'm so proud
of you Yoonie!!

I feel


like so so much better

That's good 😊

Yeah but I'd feel even better
if you were here to give me

You're so cheesy ew

Jin said that we're all gonna
hang out soon !!

Woah for real?

Yeah, dance is cancelled
for a while after today
because the instructor
broke his ankle so me
Taetae, Jiminie and Kookie
are all free and Jin said
he'll talk to you and
Namjoon for dates yall are
free :)


It's been forever since
everyone's hung out damn

Ikr I'm so exited!

Same ig yall can be
annoying sometimes






Ew hearts are gross

Ew you're gross

You sure about that

No you smell like vanilla
how can that be gross?

You'd be surprised

Actually maybe I don't
want to know-

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