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He laughed along with they group when necessary and if he was being honest with himself it was the most fun he has had in a very long time.  The seven boys just seemed to connect so well.

However, as much fun as he was having he had a anxious feeling that he had met the boy with the mint hair somewhere before; I mean, who else has bright blue/green mint hair?

He didn't want to think about it right now, after all if that was the same boy it meant that he knew things about him not even his closest friends knew. That thought alone made him want to throw up.

Hoseok, the sunshine.

He couldn't let anyone know he really felt, how sad he really was. It's his problem.

Soon enough the night name to an end and they boys were saying their goodbyes, his eyes lingered longer on Yoongi though, it was like he just couldn't stop looking at him.

Him, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung left the apartment and climbed into Jimin's car.

"You're oddly quiet Hope, what's up?" Kook asked with a soft and concerned expression.

"Hm? Oh nothing! I'm just tired, I overworked myself with the new choreography again." He chucked to himself, it wasn't that at all..

"Oh okay. Make sure to rest well tonight!" He replied while reaching over to give the older a hug, Hoseok gladly accepted and the two boys didn't part until they arrived at the apartment. 


Rolling around on the mattress his eyes caught the time.

5:34 am.

Shit. He thought, why the hell can't I sleep?

He groaned and sat up, eyes stinging from exhaustion, his whole body was numb.

Out of nowhere he felt tears form in chestnut eyes. Frustration? Sadness? No one knows.

He wanted to leave again but he didn't have the energy, this was the third night in a row he would end up getting this little sleep.

The tears wouldn't stop, he felt like he couldn't do it anymore. He didn't want to keep pretending he was someone he isn't.

But he did it anyway.


"Morning!" Jimin smiled at Hoseok who had just woken up.

"Good morning ChimChim." He spoke softly and engulfed the other in a hug, this was usual for the overly affectionate boys.

"Sleep well?" He asked while getting back to cooking pancakes for the three.

"Yep." He lied, he only ended up getting about 2 hours of sleep which even then wasn't good quality. 

"Good I'm glad, we have practice today." He mentioned and Hoseok internally groaned, he nodded and headed to the bathroom to wash up. 

He was lucky enough that he didn't ever get eyebags or any blemishes from his late night breakdowns.

Once he was dressed and washed he headed out of the bathroom, grabbing his dance bag and going straight for the door.

"Hope? Hey Hobi!" Jimin called after him, "you didn't even eat anything." He sighed to himself once the elder had already left, mentally noting to bring him extra for lunch.


Hoseok had been dancing for hours.

It was the only thing that made him happy, he could let out anything and everything he had in him and it was incredibly therapeutic.

"Damn, you need to take a break." Jimin announced, handing him a water bottle.

He drank some and handed it back, "No, I can't, I need to get this part perfect!" He ran back to the middle and continued to throw himself around.

"You look like shit man, the other boys will be here soon. Go take a shower and get yourself cleaned up." He stated bluntly.

Hobi's eyes widened, "they're coming here? Why? Is Yoongi coming too?" He asked in a panic.

Jimin chuckled. "Jungkook mentioned to Taehyung that he was coming to practice who begged to let him come, Tae Tae then told Jin who forced everyone else." He explained. "Yes Yoongi too, why?"

Jimin had this smirk on his face that could only mean one thing.

"You like him?" Hoseok practically choked on air.

"No! I was just curious, can you do me a favour and not call me Hope around him?" The question seemed odd to even ask but he had to be as careful as possible.

"What- why?"

"I think I know him from, somewhere. I only told him that my friends call me Hope and I really don't want him to recognise me, yet anyway." He explained in slight panic.

"Where? Wait, oh my god Jung Hoseok!" Jimin slapped his arm lightly. "What?"

"It was a hookup wasn't it." He laughed at the horrified look in his friends face, who desperately tried to defend himself.

"Whatever you say, sure I'll text Kook." Hobi thanked him and left to shower. 

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