twenty five

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The pair sat together for a while in silence, enjoying the prescense of one another.

"Can you tell me what happened now Seokie?" Yoongi whispered as he caressed Hoseok's hair and face just the way he liked. Hoseok was usually as dominant as you could get but sometimes he really needed to just be held like he's the most important person in the world.

Which to Yoongi, he was.

"Min-min can i ask you something?" Hoseok asked in a small voice sounding as delicate as a flower in rocks.

"Of course baby, anything." Yoongi smiled down at his boyfriend with a look that could only be described as love, eyes shining with sympathy.

"Why can't I just be good at something? Like, I try so damn hard but yet I'm still at a mediocre level compared to everyone else." His voice was raw and cracked as he spoke, the tears welled in his enchanting brown eyes threatening to fall at any moment.

Yoongi thought carefully about his words before he replied, he needed Hoseok to take and believe what he was saying without sounding harsh or like he was bullshitting.

"Seokie, have you ever heard the saying that we are our own worst critics?" Hoseok shook his head softly indicating hat he hadn't, "Well it means that we often see ourselves as much less than we actually are. You may think that you are a lot less skilled than those around you and that's natural,"

"Those around you are also feeling inferior to you. You're honestly one of the most talented, beautiful and most definitely one of the strongest people I've ever met Jung Hoseok. You're dance is enchanting and utterly captivating. If you're worried about being accepted I promise you that they'll be begging you to join them."

"Please stop doubting yourself and your abilities. Listen to me because I've been shitting myself for the last few months waiting to tell you this," he took a deep breath as Hoseok turned his head to face Yoonie.

"Jung mother fucking Hoseok, I'm love you so damn much and don't you ever forget it." The words flew from his quivering lips; he wasn't sure why he felt so nervous but he did.

There was a moment of silence which panicked Yoongi, oh my god. I fucked it up didn't I? Maybe he wasn't ready for it yet, shit.

"I love you more Min-min, you're like an angel. You're my hope and my Angel Yoonie." Upon hearing the words escape Hoseok's heart shaped mouth a swarm of butterflies erupted in the elders stomach making him feel giddy and light headed.

He loves me, oh my god Min Yoongi how did you manage to score someone so literally perfect?

"I love you the most Seokie."


They ended up moving from the bathroom floor a while later and cuddling in Hoseok's bed, they heard a clearly drunk group of Makane's enter the apartment and decided it would be best to go and get something to eat.

They decided to just get McDonald's and head back to Yoongi's apartment since the pair didn't even want to think about what the three gay, drunk and horny young adults would be doing right about now.

"If you think about it Yoongi, our friend group is three different generations," Hoseok said put of the blue as he struggled to suck any of the milkshake from the paper straw.

"What does that even mean?" Yoongi chuckled slightly adjusting his grip on Hoseok's hand.

"Well like, Namjin is definitely the married couple in their elderly years in love but are so parental they love eachothers asses but they are also super embarrassing, we're the ones in our early thirties- hopelessly in love and most definitely whipped and the other three are horny teenagers with some romantic feelings chucked in because god had to make everything complicated." Yoongi listened intently to the explanation.

It made a strangely large amount of sense and he hated it.

"I'm not whipped!" He tried to argue but when Hoseok smirked and detached his hand, walking away slightly Yoongi pouted and pulled him back with a soft huff.

"Yes you are," Hoseok laughed into his scarf "but I am too so it's fine."

"Awe babe you're hopelessly in love with me." Yoongi teased ironically.

"Don't push your luck bro." Hobi said clicking his tongue, Yoongi made a face.

"Don't you dare call me bro, I had your tongue in my mouth a few minutes ago in the fucking McDonald's bathroom."


(Okay so this was particularly short but I have a feeling the next chapter will be the last so bare with me sksk, also HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNGKOOKIE ILY BB ❤💞💜💞❤💕💜❤💞)

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