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Leaning in Yoongi held Hoseok's face in his soft hands and brought their lips together, at first Hoseok didn't know how to react but soon enough both boys melted into the kiss.

It was soft and passionate- something they had both been longing for.

After a moment they had to part for air, breathing heavily they smiled at eachother.

"Dare complete," Yoongi joked as he pulled Hoseok in for a hug, he hugged back and they sat there for a moment.

"Hey Seokie?" Yoongi spoke while caressing his back softly, Hobi hummed in response.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" The question seemed almost too good to be true, Hoseok sat there for a moment in silence trying to process the question and wrap his head around it.

"I mean- you don't have to or anything. It's okay if not-" Yoongi panicked at the silence and began to ramble once again. He felt Hoseok's body shake as he laughed at how flustered Yoongi had become.

"Hey Yoonie?" He mimicked from a moment ago.


"Shut up." He smirked bringing their lips together once again, Yoongi's legs were wrapped around Hoseok's waist in a straddling positing as he drug his hands over his shoulders.

"Is that a good enough answer?" Hoseok teased booping the end of Yoongi's nose, Yoongi only shook is head no.

"I don't think I heard you properly, say it again."


Hoseok smiled brightly to himself as he walked into the kitchen, he noticed the look on Jungkook's face and sighed.

"So, you and Yoongi-hyung huh?" He asked with a sly smile.

"That's none of your business Kookie. Besides, I've heard you, Jimin and Tae fucking more times than Namjoon has brain cells." He laughed at the blush forming on the younger's face, he stuttered.

"Oh hush. Why do you think I always leave the house when you guys hang out." Hoseok walked away to make some pancakes for him and Yoongi, leaving an extremely flustered Jungkook stood in the middle of the kitchen.

A few seconds later Jimin emerged from his room clearly having just woken up and ran to pull Hoseok into a hug.

"Hope, why'd you smell kinda like vanilla?" Hobi froze for a moment before seeing Yoongi walk into the kitchen from the bathroom.

He was still wearing his clothes and somehow he looked even better than before, his hair was still a mess even though it was clear he had made an attempt to fix it.

Jimin gasped catching the attention of Yoongi. 

"Mornin' Jimin." He said with a gruff morning voice. Damn how didn't I notice his voice earlier?

"Y-yoongi!?" He exclaimed clearly confused.

"That's the name, don't wear it out," He said sarcasticly. "Hoseok you're gonna burn the pancakes."

He missed the nickname already but they had agreed not to use the names around other just yet, at some point they would and leave them to figure it out themselves.

Quickly Hoseok turned back to the frying pan and flipped the pancake, he had almost enough for the three of them now since he had to make extra for Jimin. 

"Why are you here, and why are you wearing Hobi's clothes?" He questioned, they pair already knew he had ideas in his head.

"I caught my girlfriend cheating on me, so here I am." He said nonchalantly.  Hoseok had almost forgotten about Seo-Yoon, his heart dropped at the word 'girlfriend' but Yoongi had told him he was going to confront her today and they would be officially over, he had said that ever since he saw that she had lost the title to him.

"Oh damn dude, you good? Wanna hug?" Jimin asked running over and engulfing the small boy in his arms, Hobi chuckled at the grimace on his boyfriends face.

Yoongi shoved him away, "I'm actually pretty great. I didn't like her anyway." He laughed at the situation.

"Why?" Jimin asked again.

"Jiminie, honey, you remember that I like dick right?" He said sarcasticly. A small blush formed on Hoseok's face at his boldness but he chuckled nonetheless.

"Oh yeah. I'm gonna go change, do my pancakes the way you always do Hope!" He called walking off the other way. Noticing that Jungkook was also nowhere to be seen Yoongi walked over to his boyfriend and wrapped his hands around his waist.

"You're so comfy." He whines burrying his head into the others neck.

"So are you but you're also hungry so unless you want cold pancakes I suggest you let go." Hoseok pouted at his own words, he didn't want Yoongi to let go either.

Yoongi squeezed him before dropping his arms and walking to the table and taking a seat, "You're lucky I'm hungry otherwise I might have never let go."

"Alright you koala, what do you want on your pancakes?"

"Chocolate spread." Hoseok made a face at the disgusting combination. "What? It's nice okay." Yoongi huffed.

"Whatever you say pumpkin." He smiled handing over the plate of pancakes and sitting down with his own, leaving Jimin's on the counter.

"Pumpkin? Really?" Yoongi giggled with a light red dusting covering his cheeks. He fucking giggled.

"I mean, I can call you baby if you want." Hoseok teased with a wink.

"Anythings better than fucking pumpkin do I look orange to you? No. If anything you're the pumpkin with your cute ass hair."

"Whatever you say, baby."


Yoongi sighed before checking his phone once again, he had received no messages.

A little while after he left Hoseok's apartment he texted Seo-Yoon to meet up with him at a local coffee shop, replied some disgusting couple shit with too many hearts and kisses.

Eventually he saw her short bob haircut enter the shop and run up to him with with a hug, he pushed her off with with a scowl.

"What the fuck babe?" She hissed as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Don't call me that shit. Look it's about time I say this Seo-Yoon," he began with a cold expression.

"Just fucking spit it out."

"We're breaking up. It's over."

(Is it bad that I really want to be Yoongi rn oops-)

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