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The bell attached to the café door dinged singlanling a new customer and much to Yoongi's excitement a Hoseok walked through the door looking as good as ever. 

Spotting his boyfriend behind the counter he walked over, the Cafe was pretty empty- one very young couple engrossed in their phones and a busy mother who looked to be in her late thirties. Due to the emptiness of the room Hoseok decided to take a seat directly in front of the working boy.

"You sell coffee right? I need the strongest one you've got." He spoke while laying his head on the counter.

Chuckling Yoogni answered while turning behind him, working what Hobi could only assume was a coffee machine. "Of course we sell coffee dumbass."

The drink was done in less than a minute, he handed Hoseok the drink and the latter handed him the appropriate amount in return.

Downing the entirety of the coffee he threw the empy paper cup in a nearby customer trash can and thanked his boyfriend who stood there speechless. 

"It's been a long day okay." He sighed running his hand through his smoothly conditioned hair.

"I can ask to leave early as it isn't that busy and we can go to McDonald's other something? It's on me." Yoongi shrugged, Hoseok's face only lit up at the mention of food.

"Hell yeah, I haven't eaten since breakfast."

"What about Jimin and Taehyung?" Hoseok groaned once again, he completely forgot he had left them back in the store.

"I'll text them or something," he replied pulling out his phone and typing something. Yoongi nodded and headed to ask his manager, who was overjoyed at the need of his breakup previously. 

"Hey, can uh leave?" He asked awkwardly, the young woman raised an eyebrow and asked why. "I kind of have a date with my boyfriend-"

Before he could even finish his sentence the woman squealed like a child and shook his shoulders excitedly. "Of course hun! I've been waiting for you to get a real date for ages now, remember to use protection!" She yelled after him as he walked away to remove his apron and grab his keys.

I swear she's more into my love life than I am.

He met back up with Hoseok who, due to the coffee, was evidently extremely hyped up.

Hoseok felt Yoongi snake his fingers around until they were interlocking, he didn't think Yoongi would be this bold in public but he wasn't complaining. Any gesture from his boyfriend was greatly appreciated.

"I guess we don't need to wait until Tuesday after all," Hoseok smiled warmly down at his boyfriend.

"Nope, I'm still hyped for bowling though. You bet I'm gonna beat your ass." Yoongi said with a cocky smirk.

"I'm sure bottoms are the ones take the beatings, not give Yoonie." Hobi laughed heartily at the immediate red flush that took over his while face and neck, he loved making Yoongi flustered. 

"I- I'm not a bottom!" He yelled as little too loudly, earning odd looks from those around them which only added to his embarrassment.

"You won't be saying that later." Hoseok winked thoroughly enjoying the older's reaction.

Yoongi only huffed in response knowing that he really couldn't defend himself in this particular argument. 


After Hoseok had walked Yoongi home to his now shared apartment he entered with smile. They couldn't show pda anywhere near any of the other boys so they unfortunately didn't risk a goodbye kiss which made Yoongi slightly sad but he'd had such a great time hanging out with Hoseok nothing could upset him fully.

"Min freaking Yoongi, it's hella past midnight where the fuck have you been young man!" Seokjin was sat in a  nightgown on the living room couch sporting a worried but stern expression on his handsome features.

"I was out," he shrugged biting his lip, this would be exactly what Jin is like.

"Where? If I find out you were drowing your sorrows in alcohol then fucking some random twink I'm going to personally smack your ass down to hell!" Yoongi looked utterly terrified, Seokjin really can be scary sometimes.

"What the fuck Jin no," Yoongi laughed nervously "I was hanging out with Hosoek."

Seokjin took the opportunity to sniff Yoongi's jacket and once he realised there was no trace of alcohol he breathed a sigh of relief. "Hoseok huh?"

"Yep now I'm going to finish the song and freaking get some sleep." Yoongi had basically finished 'seesaw' already but he needed to run over a few things and post it, he decided that his youtube channel would be best as that's where Namjoon posted his and they have been growing more and more recently.

"Don't overwork yourself again." Jin sighed knowing that the boy wouldn't listen to him anyway.

"Whatever you say mom." Yoongi faked an ansgty teenage accent and headed to his room to change into more comfortable clothes. He realised that he still had Hoseok's sleepwear and decided that: fuck it, it still smells like him and I'm too tired to care.

A few hours later he had finished the song and decide that he would wait to post it, he wanted Namjoon there with him when he did. Plus he wanted to hear Hoseok's opinion before it went public. With a light sigh he drug himself into his bed and cuddled himself, falling asleep to the comforting smell of orange and strawberries.

(So I really hate this chapter but it's ok, also I need namjesus help)

(So I really hate this chapter but it's ok, also I need namjesus help)

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