twenty two

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The music started playing and the two were immediately hooked on the beat and when he began singing they were both in absolute awe, Namjoon knew Yoongi was a talented rapper but he had no idea he could sing as well.

Yoongi sat awkwardly spinning in his chair as they listened intently bopping their heads along to the beat.

Once the song was finished they both began to clap and cheer which left Yoongi feeling flustered and embarrassed; he wasn't used to praise for his work.

"Yoongi! It's amazing!" Namjoon stuttered grinning ear to ear. Hoseok eagerly nodded his head in agreement, "babe I didn't know you were so talented?!"

With a nervous chuckle Yoongi replied with "I'm not." To which both boys' jaws dropped lower than Jimin's height.

"You're kidding? You're hella talented!" Namjoon exclaimed in shock.

"Well- uh, thanks I guess," he smiled bashfully "Do you think it's good enough to post?"


Yoongi nodded and turned to face his open computer screen; loading up youtube.

Namjoon and Hoseok stood up from the bed and walked over to where Yoongi was seated, Namjoon standing next to the desk and Hoseok wrapping his arms around Yoongi's neck and resting his chin on his boyfriends head.

Namjoon smiled once again at the sight. He loved Yoongi with his whole heart and had known him basically d
their whole lives and Namjoon knew that Yoongi needed love even if he wouldn't admit it. After watching Yoongi put up with Seo-Yoon for so long, unhappy and frustrated, he was thrilled to see how happy and content Hoseok was making his best friend.

Yoongi had felt the same about Seokjin, the started dating a few years ago back when they were fresh out of school. Namjoon was an emotional wreck until Seokjin came into their circle, they balanced eachother out and really were the perfect couple everyone dreamed of being.

In other words: both boys were absolutely entirely whipped.

With a shaking hand Yoongi hesitantly pressed the upload button, he had a few subscribers from Joon who had giving him a few shout-outs (even though Yoongi tried to say no.)

Right before their eyes the song was uploaded and Yoongi could finally breathe, he had been working on th so for so many months it was a relief to finally see it out there.

A sudden idea popped into Yoongi's head and he turned to face Hoseok and Namjoon.

"We should do a collaboration!" His eyes lit up at the thought of producing a song with his best friend and boyfreind.

"That's- an amazing idea," Namjoon spoke his face also becoming brighter, Hoseok however looked unsure.

"I can't rap or anything though. You two should do it!" He supported with a genuine closed eye smile.

"We'll just have to teach you." Yoogni nodded with a smile, Hoseok still felt uneasy but agreed nonetheless. Who couldn't give in to Min Yoongi?

"Great! Let's start then,"


It had been around a month since Yoongi uploaded Seesaw and it was about to hit one million views, something Yoongi could hardly comprehend.

To celebrate his amazing achievement all the boys had decided to take a break from whatever work they were doing and come over to the shared apartment of Seokjin, Namjoon and Yoongi.

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