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It had been a while since Yoongi had left with Hoseok, a few boys noticed but never commented anything other than "where'd they go?" And "I don't know?"

Namjoon realised that this was the perfect opportunity to confirm something so he made his way over to Jimin.

"Hey, Jiminie can I ask you something?" He asked the younger who was busy doing mindless cool down stretches.

"Sure, what's up?" He asked stopping the exercises and facing him.

"Hoseok also goes by the name of Hope doesn't he?" Jimin looked shocked at the question and nodded with a smirk forming on his plump lips.

"Yeah why?" Namjoon wasn't sure if it was his place to say but he couldn't just ignore it.

"Remember how Yoongi said he met a cute boy at the park? Yeah his name was Hope. Yoongi was scared he wouldn't see him again but I think that he already has." He spoke carefully. Yoongi told him more private things about that night and how he promised to help him but Namjoon wasn't about to spill that 'tea' to someone he was sure Hoseok didn't want to know about it.

"So that's why Hobi told me not to call him Hope! Man I really thought had hooked up or something damnit." They laughed at the thought of Yoongi having a gay one night stand.

"Yeah, seems like Hoseok has already realised then. I just gotta work on Yoongi, can you do me a favour and ask him to call me?" Joon said refering to Hobi. Jimin nodded.



He heard a soft knock at his door, he had been asleep for a while now.

"Hold on." He called out, pulling himself out of bed and pulling on some sweatpants and a lose t-shirt.

"Come in!" The door opened to reveal Jimin, he entered and sat on the bed next to Hoseok.

"Hey man, what happened earlier? Y'know with Yoongi?" The same smirk was plastered on his face when he saw the redness grow.

"Nothing, he noticed I wasn't feeling well and took me out to get a drink and sit Down." He admitted shakily, the younger's eyes widened at the confession. 

"You're sick?" His voice was soft and warming, Hobi just shook his head and explained that he was working to hard and felt faint. He specifically left out the part about lack of sleep though; he didn't want his friends to worry about him.

"Oh okay. I told you not to work so much. Anyway, I need to talk. Namjoon told me that you already recognised Yoongi from somewhere? He was pretty vague, told me to tell you to call him." He patted Hoseok's leg for comfort and gave him a warm sweet smile.

"O- oh Okay." He forced himself to return the smile.

"You should come and get some food, you didn't eat this morning remember." He nodded and Jimin left the room.

Hoseok sighed as he reached for his phone and clicked on Namjoon's contact, his hands shook with nerves which are something the boy hardly ever felt.

Calling Namjoonie.

He picked up almost immediately to Hoseok's surprise. 

"Hello, Namjoon?" He asked with a shaky voice.

"Hey Hobi, do you have a minute?" The voice from the phone was slightly muffled but clearly recognised as Namjoon.

"Yeah, Jimin told me you wanted to talk about something?" Hoseok played with his fingers nervously.

"Yep. Yoongi told me he met someone the other day but he doesn't know his name, it is you right?" He spoke with a soft voice.

"I-uh yeah." He spoke while biting his lip. What could Yoongi have told him?

"Okay great and don't worry he doesn't recognise you," Hoseok audibly sighed in relief. "Do you want him to?"

Hobi thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think I do just not yet."

"Okay good because he was complaining that he missed Hope already. You should try and get him to figure it out on his own."


"Spend time with him, open up and in turn he'll open up to you."

"Okay, I'll try that, thank you Joonie." Namjoon laughed fondly.

"No problem, hope it works out Hobi! I need to go Jin is calling me for cuddles again. Bye!" The phone hung up and Hoseok found himself smiling. 

He was starting to like Yoongi already, he had only spent a little but of time with him but he could feel himself falling.

Walking out of the room he grabbed some of the toast that Jimin had made and decided to text Yoongi.

Yoongi 😴🍦


Just wanted to say thanks
again for today 😊

It's really no problem, you
sure you're okay?


I did was to ask though,
do you maybe want to hang
out with me next week

You can say no! It's okay :)

No no its fine

When and where?

What about next Friday
at 3 at the ice cream parlor?

Heck yeah I love ice cream
just us or should I I invite the
guys too?

Maybe just us? You can invite
them too if you want though


Okay, it's a date! Cya then


Hoseok felt his neck, face and ears burn and he couldn't whipe the huge smile from his face.

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