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Jimin was first up to give the punishment, he stretched his small wrists and prepared himself.

"Make sure he screams!" Jin added right before he was about to make contact making the whole group burst out into laughter, especially Jimin who fell on his knees.

"He's on your team." Jungkook said trying to compose himself, Seokjin only shook his head.

"I don't care, that mother-," Namjoon elbowed his stomach to stop the curse from escaping "-he stole my doritos!"

Once again the room was in fits of laughter while Seokjin looked deadly serious, Taehyung was the opposite and looked terrified.

"I didn't know they were yours! I swear! Jiminie have mercy!" He pleaded as the contact was made.

Taehyung let out a small yelp and ran to the side holding his ass in his hands, "His hands may be tiny but damn they hurt."

"We know," Jungkook said with a smirk, Jimin and Taehyung flushed in a shade of red that none of the boys except for Hoseok understood as he had the unfortunate experience of sharing an apartment with the two who often brought Taehyung round.

The three weren't officially dating but from Hoseok's eyes they probably would soon, he had walked in on cuddling sessions to Disney movies more than one would think.

Namjin's went as expected,more dirty jokes and a look of satisfaction from Namjoon (who Yoongi had recently found out was a complete and utter bottom- not that he wanted to know he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.)

Then it was Hoseok's turn, he stretched his wrists and made everyone laugh at him. Yoongi just sat and watched with an affectionate smile; that was until the loud slap sound was heard. Everyone was focused on Jungkook and Hoseok has the audacity to sneak a wink at his boyfriend.

This sent shivers down Yoongi's spine and made his whole body heat up making him extremely flustered.

"You up for it it Yoongs?" Jimin asked the boy who didn't even realise he wasn't paying attention until he missed he question.

Why with a shy smile he apologised and asked Jimin to repeat the question. "I asked if you wanna join us for dinner somewhere, you okay man? Your face is all red."

He reaches a hand up to feel Yoongi's forehead looking for any signs of a fever, Yoongi shoved his arm away with a huff. "I'm fine, it's just hot in here," he proceeded to remove his jumper revealing a black nirvana t-shirt underneath.

With a nod, Jimin claps his hands and jumps ahead. "Yah! Let's go then!"

Everyone follows the overexcited boy ahead of them, he and Hoseok kept breaking into silly dances with bright smiles.

Jin stopped suddenly with an 'o' face and clapped his hands together alerting the group of his sudden idea. "I have a joke!"

"Oh god no, not again." Namjoon sighed, earning a slightly annoyed look from Seokjin who continued anyway despite his boyfriends objection.

"Anyway, did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?" He asked already laughing at himself and the joke before it was even finished.

Yoongi groaned, as did Namjoon. However the younger three plus Hoseok seemed rather interested.

"Um, I don't know," Jimin pouted at his lack of an answer, Taehyung put his hand on his back and smiled "I don't know either Jiminie."

"They only serve moon ice cream?" Jungkook tried with wide and hopeful eyes at his hyung.

"Nope," Jungkook joined the others at pouting while Hoseok looked intrigued "I wonder ice cream from the moon would taste like.." He thought aloud.

Yoongi swore he could squish Hoseok's cheeks right then and there; he looked adorable.

"He said that the food was great but there was no atmosphere!" Jin finished with his signature laugh. Namjoon and Yoongi really didn't understand what was funny but the youngest three were rolling in laughter, Hoseok looking slightly amused.

Eventually after a few more painfully long dad jokes from the only and only the group of seven reached a small café on the coner of a street. He didn't notice at first but it ass indeed the one Yoongi worked at.

He did notice as they walked in and he mentally face palmed, what if my manager sees and calls me out? It would be just like her to embarrass me infront of everyone.

Yoongi and his manager were oddly close, they used to be best friends in highschool and she was the first person he ever came out to- after Namjoon helped him figure it out that is.

She liked to tease him as well and as much as Yoongi would say he hated her, he didn't. She was like an older sister to him and he secretly enjoyed her presence most of the time.

They all took and seat around a table and a waitress handed them a menu with a wink. He hadn't seen her before and he hoped he never would again.

"Jungkookie~ I want ice cream!" Jimin said excitedly pulling at the youngest's arm with bright eyes.

He laughed at this and ruffled Jimin's hair, "you can get ice cream after ChimChim." Jimin looked disappointed for a moment but then jumped into Jungkook's arms, hugging him.

"Thanks Jungkookie!" Everyone laughed at his behaviour, especially Taehyung who looked at the pair fondly and sweetly.

"Everyone decided?" Namjoon asked as the waitress walked over with a small notepad and the whole group nodded except for Taehyung who looked down at his lap sheepishly.

"Taetae what do want?" Jungkook asked.

"Uh, I can't decide," he looks at the menu intensely.

The waitress was getting impatient at this point. "Hurry up!" She yelled while stamping her foot. If there was only one thing in the world Taehyung
couldn't take it was being yelled at, people teased him for it but he couldn't help it.

"I-I," he stuttered, his whole face glowing with embarrassment. Everyone felt sorry for the boy as they knew he couldn't eat many foods due to allergies.

"He'll have a cheeseburger, lightly salted fries with no vinegar and a vanilla milkshake." Hoseok spoke quickly giving Taehyung a smile. He let out a sigh of relief and mouthed a thank you to Hoseok.

"Finally!" She exclaimed as she walked off, hips swaying. It was obvious she was trying to show off to the guys but they all laughed.

"Ahh Hobi-Hyung thank you so much! I was getting really nervous-" he began but Hosoek just pulled him into a side hug and said that it was okay and that she shouldn't have pressured him.

"Yeah, what a bitch." Yoongi spoke while patting/stroking Taehyung shoulder for comfort, he couldn't stand to see his friends upset.

"Yoongi! Was that a bad word I heard!" A familiar voice spoke.

Oh god here we go.

"Absolutely most definitely not." He muttered, adding "bitch." Under his breath making those close enough to hear laugh.

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