twenty six (final)

509 21 47

3rd pov

The group of seven boys were seated in a circle around the somewhat large wooden coffee table located in Yoongi's shared apartment. It had been around seven months since Hoseok's panic attack and four since all of the boys auctioned at bighit entertainment.

Namjoon was the first to be noticed by the company, they had found his youtube channel and gotten in contact with him, from there they found Yoongi and almost guaranteed both of the boys a place as a trainee.

Yoongi had convinced Hoseok to audition at the very least, something Hoseok was very wary of but he did it to please his boyfreind.

Jungkook and Seokjin were inspired by Namjoon, Jungkook was extremely inspired by his Hyung. However Seokjin took the most convincing as he truly didn't believe he could sing- which Namjoon (along with input from everyone else) managed to help to boy see that he has the voice of an angel.

Jimin and Taehyung were the last to audition, they were also wary but basically said 'fuck it' and went ahead with it.

Four months later and the results for each member had been sent out and received, to say they were nervous would be the understatement of the century.

One after another they opened the brown envelope sat patiently infront of them finding out that every single one of them had been accepted as a trainee.

Tears of Joy, excitement and obvious anxiety filled the room as they all threw themselves into a hug.

"Guy, the letters said we had to pick stage names!" Taehyung said with bright smiles and wide eyes.

"Me and Namjoon already have ours, they said our youtube account usernames fit perfectly." Yoongi spoke unable to hold the excitement in his shaky voice.

"I think I just want to use my actual name," Jungkook said hesitantly after a while. "It helps me feel more grounded and to still be me no matter where I am in life."

All the boys nodded, "same, I'm not good at choosing names." Jimin spoke up.

"Okay that just leaves Seokjin, Hoseok and Taehyung." Namjoon said while looking at the three boys.

"I think I'll go with a shortened version of my name like Kookie and Chim-chim. So Jin." Seokjin said after a moment of thinking. Taehyung evidently looked stuck so Jimin spewed some ideas at him.

After a while of 'no's and 'what the fuck?'s Jimin sighed. "Okay well what about V? Just the letter V. It stands for victory?" The room was quiet whilst everyone's eyes were caught on Taehyung.

"I- actually like that, V." He said the last part to himself while making a 'v' shape with his middle and index finger.

"Now it's just you Hope." Jungkook stated the obvious.

"You could go with Hobi?" Namjoon suggested but Hoseok just shook his head.

"I want something that makes people happy when they read it," he curled his lips in thought.

"How about j-hope? The 'j' is for Jung and the hope is because you're my hope." Yoongi thought aloud, Hoseok's eyes lit up as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck and gave him a quick but meaningful peck on the cheek.

"I love that Yoonie!" He said with a giggle as the others watched with soft faces and cute smiles that screamed uwu.

The pair had just celebrated their one year anniversary, Namjoon and Seokjin their three year and the group of three finally made things official about five months ago.

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