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"I'll tell you my name if you promise not to laugh," Yoongi said deadly serious, Hosoek only knew what he had been told in the park which wasn't much so to say he was curious was an understatement.

"I won't I promise! Pinky promise?" He held out his pinky like a child, Yoongi groaned and hide his face in his hands but joined his pinky finger with the others nonetheless.

"It's suga." He stated with clear hesitation, his voice was quiet with anticipation.

"That's pretty sweet." Hobi smiled sincerely. He recalled what Yoongi had told him previously and wanted to see if dropping a hint would help.

Yoongi's flawless brown eyes widened for a moment as if he had a sudden moment of confusion, realisation- or both.

Deciding the change the topic ever so slightly Hoseok spoke once again, "why'd you choose it?"

"It's kinda stupid..." He trails off, Hobi only shakes his head and insists whatever it is isn't as stupid as his stage name he used for dance which made them both laugh.

"It's because I'm pretty pale, like sugar. My friends also say I'm pretty sweet but I highly disagree." Hoseok chuckled, he was completely entranced by the boy infront of him.

"I think you are, you're sweet Min Yoongi." His lips tugged into a breathtaking smile, he had only known Yoongi for a few days but he was really starting to fall hard.

"You're sweeter, Hobi." Yoongi winked lightly as the words flowed naturally, leaving a usually dominant Hoseok feeling flustered and embarrassed. Hearing his nickname come from none other than the boy he cared for most made him weak.


Once the date had ended and they both parted ways with a hug Hoseok had enforced, Yoongi tried to pretend he didn't want to return the gesture but he couldn't and they ended up in each others embrace filled with love, hope, comfort and a strong feeling that neither of them were alone anymore.


It had been about a week since his date with Hoseok and they had been texting prstty frequently ever since. Yoongi returned to his apartment from work at about seven in the evening, he didn't expect Seo-Yoon to be home as firstly, she never was at this time and secondly she had stated that she was going out somewhere.

He placed his phone on a small side table and entered the bedroom without hesitation; what he found made him want to throw up.

His girlfriend was 'busy' with another man in his bed. He slammed the door and ran back to retrieve his phone, immediately calling Namjoon.

Calling Joonie 🐨

"Hey man, you okay? It's pretty late what's up?" It's not that it wasn't usual for him to call late at night- plus it was only seven but it was unusually for him to call without texting to check his availability.

"No I'm not. Seo-Yoon's been fucking cheating on me." His voiced remained somewhat calm, yes he was angry and yes he was hurt but he wasn't about to shout it to the world; that's how Yoongi was when he was mad, silent and brooding.

"Woah what? How do you know?" Namjoon asked. He wasn't shocked, Namjoon had seen it coming from a mile away and Yoongi would be lying if he said he didn't have his doubts.

Yoongi had finished gathering his things: Keys, jacket, charger and anything else he needed into a small bag and slammed the door of the apartment behind him, walking out into the crisp night air.

"They were fucking." He stated grimly, he didn't feel the need to elaborate.

"Shit dude, you wanna come over eat pizza and watch some shitty movie we can make fun of?" Namjoon suggested, Yoongi considered his offer. It didn't sound bad but he had a feeling he wanted something- or someone- else instead.

"Nah, I'm gonna just take a walk I guess and clear head. Can I call you later if I need to stay the night or something?" He used to do this frequently when they were both in school, Yoongi would have frequent fights with his parents so would crash at Namjoon's for a while.

"Of course, I'll let Jinnie know hold on a second." Yoongi sighed, he knew that Seokjin would be fuming. After all he really did act like his mother at times.

Shuffling was heard on the line and Seokjin finally spoke; "Yoongs! Dude! Do I need to cut a bitch? I'm usually against animal abuse but I will-"

Yoogi cut him off with a light chuckle, "No dude, if you go to prison who will cook me dinner when I come over? You and I both know that if Joon tried to even cook toast he'd burn the building to the ground."

"Okay but remember, it's only illegal if I get caught." Yoongi chuckled again, "I'm serious man, that bitch can't just cheat on you then expect Eomma Jin to be happy about it."

"Yeah yeah."

"You okay though man? Need some bleach for your eyes?"

"Hell yeah I do, I know I'm gay but god I didn't need to see that fat ass at that angle." He shuddered. "Well anyway I'm going to get going, I'll call if I need okay?"

"Definitely, I'll be waiting here with chocolate and cuddles if necessary and if not necessary then thanks for giving me free chocolate. Cya dude, me and Joonie say be careful, we love you meow meow!" He hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

Plugging his earphones in and turning up his favourite playlist, Yoongi began to walk to an all too familiar place.

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