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They spent a while just talking and cleaning up his place. They talked about his work, about life and about everything really. Yoongi liked to refer to his music as work but in reality he had a small job at the coffee shop downtown once in a while, it payed well and gave him something to do every now and then so he didn't hate it.


Jimin just texted me, they'll be here in 10!" Jin exclaimed, they nodded and continued through current conversation. 

"So, the new song, what's it about?" Namjoon asked curiously, they had planned on going over it at some point in the future to make small adjustments and have Namjoon give his opinion.

"It's kind of just about my relationship, with Seo-Yoon y'know? How I feel like we aren't going anywhere but still neither of us end it." He nods in understanding.

"I-" just as Joon was about to speak they heard a knock at the door. Yoongi, not wanting to move, motioned for Jin to answer and invite them in.

Four boys walked into the room after Seokjin, the previous two ahead; Taehyung and Jimin.

Taehyung looked extremely flushed which brought Yoongi's mind back to the other day when he had admitted to liking someone.

"Yoongi!" Jimin squealed and attacked the other in a hug, they had all been talking on a groupchat pretty frequently ever since that day but it still seemed a bit soon for this kind of affection.

He must just be the affectionate type

"Aish let go!" He shrugged the boy off him earning a chuckle from the boys around him.

"Hey! Min Yoongi right? Jimin won't shut up about you," he laughed while Jimin pouted, "I'm Jeon Jungkook, you can call me Kook or Kookie if you want though." He smiled and bowed slightly. Can't deny he's cute as heck; well done Taehyung.

"That's me, please don't bow-" he smiled sheepishly. The other nodded.

The boy behind Jungkook chuckled lightly at the interaction and stepped forward. 

"Hey, I'm Jung Hoseok, call me Hobi if you want though." His smile, in Yoongi's gay opinion, was to die for. His presence lit up the room like a light bulb and Yoongi couldn't deny he was beautiful.

"Yoongi, as you probably already know." He stated with an awkward smile, he was nervous but he couldn't place why.

He nodded and went to say something more but Jin interrupted.

"Let's watch a movie!" He yelled with excitement. Jin was an absolute movie hoe.

Yoongi sighed and took his seat back on the couch, Namjoon on his left and Taehyung on his right. 

"What movie do you guys want?" Yoongi asked bored already, he loved movies but just not during a first hangout.

"Whatever, I'm not too fussed to be honest. What about everyone else?" Jungkook spoke after a moment, everyone agreed when Taehyung shouted something about Disney out of the blue.

Everyone already had a soft spot for Taehyung, they all found him adorable and hard to say no to; which is why they ended up watching 'The Little mermaid."


"I WANNA BE WHERE THE PEOPLE AREEE!" Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook sang in unison.

The group continued to sing various lyrics from each song in the movie like children, Yoongi was the only one who didn't join however Namjoon only sung slightly when Jin encouraged him.

To be honest, even though it was a joke and they weren't being serious they all sounded amazing, Yoongi could see them being an a boy band one day- maybe.

As hard as he tried, Yoongi couldn't keep his eyes off Hoseok. Something about him seemed oddly familiar but he couldn't place where.

They all clapped as the movie came to an end and Jimin suggested doing something else to pass the time, it had only been a few hours but the boys were far from ready to leave.

"What about, drunk jenga?" Seokjin suggested.

"Nah, Kookie's only 20." Hoseok ruffled his hair and laughed, Jungkook pouted in response clearly unhappy with being the youngest.

"What about 21 questions? We each take a turn to ask a question and go around the group to answer. It'll help us get to know eachother better." The Mint haired boy suggested with a shrug.

"That's, actually a good idea wow Yoongs." Namjoon said with amazement, Yoongi just rolled his eyes in response. All the boys seemed to agree so they began with Seokjin, who was sitting at the end of the couch.

"Yall gay or?" He asked. The room was quiet for a split second, everyone was shocked at the blunt question. 

"I am personally, as Joonie would know." He winked at his boyfriend, who just blushed in response.

"Gross." Yoongi mumbled earning a few giggles.

"What he said." Namjoon answered still embarrassed.

"I guess it's my turn huh, well I'm probably the gayest homo you'll ever meet if that answered the question." He said with a straight face, returning a high five from Jin who had apparently succeeded in helping him grow his confidence. 

"Don't you have a girlfriend though?" Jimin asked with confusion, Yoogni felt his throat close up slightly at the mention of her.

"I-I'm working on it." He answered quietly while taking a slice of pizza whih had arrived half way through y he movie.

"Kay well, I'm also gay." Taehyung giggled like a child. Yoongi noticed that across the room Jungkook was smiling sweetly with a hint of red on his cheeks.

God I hope they get together soon.

Everyone said something similar, gay or near to it. Except for Jimin who insisted he was straight- which all six boys found hilarious.

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