twenty one

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"Joonie?" Yoongi said as he walked into the shared kitchen, Seokjin was out grocery shopping.

"Hm?" He responded while spooning mouthfuls of cheerios into his mouth and scrolling through twitter.

"Can I invite Hoseok round today so you two can have a look at my song?" He asked expectantly, "if you aren't busy that is."

"I'm not busy, sure go ahead lover boy," Namjoon winked "let me know what time he's coming so I can let Jinnie know." Yoongi hummed and ran off to his room to text Hoseok. Sometimes he really did feel like a schoolgirl who had her very first boyfreind.






Whas up?

Wanna come over today
I wanna know your and
Joon's opinion on my song

I'd love to 😀😚

When should I come?

How about in like an hour
I need to shower and clean up-


ame lol

Jimin is the messiest house-
mate ever istg


I'll see you soon Seokie

Okay Yoonie 💞

"He said he can come in like an hour," Yoongi spoke jumping down next to Namjoon who was sitting on the couch still scrolling through twitter. "How do you think Jin will react when he finds out?"

Namjoon was caught off guard by the sudden mention of Seokjin but shut his phone off and looked at Yoongi who was nervously biting at his fingers.

"It's just that I don't want him to think badly of me, I moved on quickly from Seo-Yoon and plus what if he doesn't think me and Seokie are a good fit?" He breathes quickly with a small pout.

"Seokie? Cute," Yoongi flushed "but I know he'll be happy for you Yoon. This is Seokjin we're talking about, he could never ever think badly of you; he thinks of you as his younger brother." Namjoon put his arm around Yoongi and pulled him into a side hug whilst gently making soothing circular montions.

Yoongi leaned in and accepted the hug, accepting the comfort his best friend was giving.

"I know it's just, I'm scared I guess. I've never had a real boyfriend before and I genuinely like- hell Joonie I think my dumbass is even in love with Hoseok." He spoke carefully trying not to get to worked up.

"That's amazing Yoon but I promise Jinnie will probably be more interested in your relationship than you two yourselves." Namjoon let out a chuckle and Yoongi huffed a small smile. "Plus you two are perfect for eachother. You're like the sun and the moon."

"But they don't fit at all?" Yoongi questioned, a frown forming on his squishy face.

"Haven't you ever heard that opposites attract?"


It had been about an hour since Namjoon had given Yoongi a well needed pep talk. Both boys had dressed in regular casual clothing and made sure Seokjin was informed of the guest.

Yoongi was waiting by the door like a puppy for it's owner, Namjoon thought it was absolutely adorable.

When the knock at the door finally came Yoongi shot up from his seat and unlocked it, revealing adorable equally casual dressed Hoseok.

How can someone look so flawless without even trying? He thought to himself as he stared in awe at his boyfreind.

Hoseok had died his hair bleach blonde; the kind of colour that very rarely looked good on anyone but somehow Hobi managed to pull it off stunning. Not only was it blonde it was also curly- almost like ramen noodles.

"Are you gonna stare all day or let me in?" Hoseok smirked with a laugh leaving Yoongi flaring with embarrassment.

"I-I wasn't!" He defended, moving out of the door frame and inviting him into his new apartment.

"Sure honey, keep telling yourself that." Hobi said poking Yoongi's slightly chubby cheeks.

"Hey Joon!" Hoseok greeted the boy with a high-five and a his signature bright smile. "Hobi! Dude your hair looks awsome!" Namjoon complemented with wide eyes.

"It does seokie," Yoongi said in a small shy voice. Hoseok felt his stomach do somersaults, you really couldn't get anyone more perfect than Min Yoongi in his eyes.

"Thanks Yoonie!" He engulfed the elder in a hug while ruffling his hair fondly, yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok in return and smiled into his arms.

"Should we start then? I'm pretty nervous actually." Yoongi admitted rubbing his neck and leading the two around the house towards his bedroom.

The song was about his ex and their past relationship so he was more afraid of Hoseok's reaction than anything.

Once they entered the bedroom Yoongi immediately went into a draw and told the boys to 'take a seat or something.'

Hoseok took this moment to admire Yoongi's bedroom, even though he'd only moved in a whole ago the whole room screamed 'Min Yoongi.' The walls were bare with the odd black and white canvas painting, his room was very minimalistic and he appeared to have very few possessions.

Hoseok noticed a small photo hung up on the wall above his white bed; it was of them on their very first date.

Hoseok smiled as he remembered that day, they were at a store and decided to try on some matching outfits and take a 'cool' selfie

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Hoseok smiled as he remembered that day, they were at a store and decided to try on some matching outfits and take a 'cool' selfie. They had asked a random woman to take the photo for them in which she replied, "you two make a cute couple." They weren't dating yet but they didn't tell her that.

"Ah I found it!" He exclaimed as he plugged in the correct leads and the music started to play from the speakers.

He paused it for a moment and briefly explained that it was called seesaw and how it was related to his previous relationship. Expecting to see a bitter look on Hoseok's face he noticed that it was indeed the opposite, exited and hyped.

Hoseok didn't care who the song was about or about Yoongi's past mistakes (including relationships) but he did care about Yoongi and he wanted to make sure he was supporting his boyfreind 110%. So that's exactly what he did.

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