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Currently him, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jin were all in Jin's car on the way to the studio where Jungkook and the others practice.

"Joon?" He said quietly, he still couldn't shake the feeling that he knew Hoseok and it was bothering him.

"Yeah?" He answered, they whispered for privacy as they were both sat together in the back.

"Do you think it would be possible to ever meet the boy again? I only knew him for a small while but I miss him." He whined, it was true, his heart was aching to meet Hope again.

"Maybe, are you sure he didn't say anything about a name?"

"Well, he said his friends called him hope but I never got an actual name." He sighed, wishing he tried harder. 

Namjoon stayed silent for a moment. "Are you sure that's what he said?" He asked suddenly. Yoongi nodded, confused.

"Well I'm pretty sure you'll meet again. Just wait okay? Fate has a way of putting people together like that." He comforted the other with a smile. Namjoon mentally reminded himself to talk to Jimin at some point.

"I guess so, but what if-" he panicked but Joon interuppted. "No buts, I'm sure you'll meet again."


They all made it into the studio where they met up with Jimin and Hoseok, both boys greeted the group with warm smiles as per usual.

"So you guys, dance?" Yoongi asked curiously, they nodded along with Jungkook.

Jimin suggested they showed the group something, everyone agreed but Hoseok seemed hesitant. Yoogi noticed that he seemed a little tired, he didn't want to disappoint anyone so he agreed anyway. That seems familiar

He didn't think too much into it.

The three began their routine and Yoongi was amazed at the fluidity. Even though they were all flawless there was something about the way Hoseok danced that captivated the Mint haired boy, he couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Once the performance was over the three were applauded profusely and given plenty of praise, they thanked them but assured them it was nothing.

Although for Hoseok it did look like something and that something was exhaustion. It seemed to Yoongi that only he noticed the signs; red and blotchy face, holding his head like he had a headache, slightly out of it and very pale. Yoongi didn't want to jump to conclusions but if he was correct Hoseok would pass out if he didn't rest and drink some water. 

I need to get him to sit down but it didn't look like he would do it infront of the group, with his heart racing he took the matter into his own hands, literally.

"Hey, uh Hobi? Can I talk to you for a second?" He mumbled so only the other could hear, he looked scared got a split second but manged to calm himself. "Sure."

Why did he look so terrified? I'm not that scary am I

As they walked out of the studio Yoongi could tell that Hoseok was struggling more and more, without thinking he wrapped his arm around the others waist to steady him. A warm feeling grew on the elders cheeks and neck when he realised his actions, not that it mattered though as Hoseok was his main priority right now and looked ready to faint.

He led them both over to a bench on the other side of the building as it was the only one he could find. Placing the boy on the wooden bench he immediately sat himself down, unable to hold his own weight.

"Thanks, sorry for being a bother." He apologized sheepishly, Yoongi just sighed.

"Don't be sorry, please. Are you Okay?" He asked with worry lacing his voice, usually Yoongi was cold to people he wasn't close with but for some reason he apparently had a soft spot for this boy.

"Yeah, I guess I just haven't been sleeping well and overworking." Hoseok chuckled. Yoongi nodded, spotting a near vending machine and walking over to buy a water.

Throwing the bottle to him, Yoongi took a seat on the bench next to Hobi.

"Thanks, I left my wallet in my bag in the studio but I'll pay you back when I get it." Yoongi just shook his head no and insisted it was fine. After a while of going back and forward Hoseok gave in, Yoongi could be incredibly stubborn.

They sat there for a while letting Hobi gain some strength and have a break; they chatted and got to know eachother just a little better. Hoseok had found out about Yoongi's rap career and was now almost certain that he was the boy at the park all he needed to confirm his suspicion was his name.

Which Yoongi denied to give as his thought it 'sounded stupid.'

They ended up calling a taxi to drop both of them to their apartments and parted ways with another thank you and a few goodbyes.


This is the dance they did, from 0:50 to around 1:19 (excluding the suga that pokes out from the background lol)^

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