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This chapter is dedicated to _MysticMisses_ for their support, thank you so much :D


"You're so cute!" Hosoek gasped when he saw the black dyed hair Yoongi was now sporting.

"Shut up! You look way cuter." He felt his heart jump in his chest when he noticed Hoseok's bright orange hair, without thinking he reached out and ran his fingers through it.

Instantly he pulled back when he realised what he'd done, his face almost the colour of his hair. Hobi only chuckled with a grin.

"I disagree, you're the cutest." He argued with a bright smile, Yoongi noticed that his lips made a hear shape when he smiled widely. Then he thought about those lips and his face reddened once again.

"No, you are." He argued with a pout.

"Y'know, pouting only makes you cuter Yoonie." Hobi poked his red cheek.

"S-shut it!" He began to grow increasingly more flustered as the teasing continued.

This continued all the way back to Hoseok's apartment.

"You wanna come in?" Hobi offered hoping that he agreed, he really couldn't get enough of Yoongi.

"Sure." He shrugged and they stepped inside the dark apartment. It was the first time Yoongi had seen inside his, Jimin's and Jungkook's apartment and he was honestly blown away.

It wasn't huge, slightly bigger than his but it really had a homely feel; colourful pictured hung from the white walls in such a way it didn't seem odd or off putting, it was immaculately clean but he remembered Jin saying something about Hoseok liking clean spaces.

"Want a drink or something, we have milkshake." Usually Yoongi wouldn't drink something from another's house unless it was Joon and Jin because he felt awkward about it but he nodded his head immediately.

"Which flavour?" Hobi asked while opening the fridge.

"Chocolate!" Yoongi said with sudden excitement, he mentally groaned as he realised how childish he sounded. Hoseok smiled sweetly as he poured a glass of chocolate and a glass of strawberry milkshake.

He handed Yoongi the chocolate one and they both took a seat on the soft white couch.


The two boys sat there for a while enjoying their milkshake while watching some random youtube videos on Hoseok's phone, Yoongi didn't want to waste his data and he couldn't be bothered with the WiFi password at the moment.

"Hey uh Yoonie?" Hoseok began, Yoongi blushed at the new nickname but turned to the boy as if to say 'yeah?'

"You have a milk moustache," Hobi tried to hide his laugh but his wide smile was enough to know his amusement. "Here let me." Before Yoongi had a chance to process his words he felt Hoseok's face lean in, his heart thumped and he felt his whole body heat up.

Their eyes locked and Yoongi could feel his light breath on his lips. His eyes really are beautiful.

Slowly Hosoek licked the milk from his lips with a smirk, he lingered above him for a moment seemingly contemplating something.

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