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Hoseok tried to hold in a laugh at his boyfriends response but failed along with Namjoon who had also heard the sass.

"Really Yoongs, I'm not deaf you know." The lady sighed with a smile and took a seat at the table, everyone looked at her confused.

"That's not what you say when I ask you to do literally anything." He said rolling his eyes. "Why are you here anyway? Do you need to be doing some 'important businessu." He mimicked his Manager with a high pitched voice that made a few people giggle.

"Oh shut it, I'm on break. Are you going to introduce me?" She asked while punching his arm. 

"Ouch- fine jesus. This is my Manager, you know the absolute last person I want to see out of work." She gasped at his statement and put a hand on her heart.

"You love me really Gi, and if you deny our friendship one more time I'll tell all your-" She stopped when she spotted Hoseok, immediately recognising him as the boy from the other day. "-friends about the time you told an old lady to fuck off and she chased you round with her handbag for twenty minutes yelling at you."

"You just did you bitch." He said bitterly.

"Wait I'm sorry what? Why did you-" Jimin began questioning but couldn't because he was laughing to hard. "That's actually amazing."

"No it wasn't! She threatened to get her chihuahua on me! What do women even keep in their bags and why the fuck are they so heavy." He groaned whist reminiscing the memory.

"Speaking of dogs, do you remember when this random ass dog started barking at him and he full on started barking back-" The instantly shut up when she felt Yoongi kicking her under the table.

"Aw that sounds adorable!" Jin exclaimed reaching over to squish his cheeks once again. Yoongi was about to deny it when Hoseok added a smile "Yeah it does sound pretty cute."

Instead of denying it he gave up and huffed, finally managing to pull the oldest off of him. "What's your name?" Namjoon asked.

"Park Ji-Na but you can call me Ji," she smiled "Nice to meet you guys."

Everyone introduced themselves but when it came to Hoseok's turn she asked more questions than necessary.

"So, what do you do?"

"Where do you see yourself in five years,"


At this point Yoongi had caught on to what she was doing and pulled out his phone discreetly.


She knows btw


That yknow

me and you



What can't say it?

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