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Yoongi had woken up that morning in a better mood than usual, after all he was going to see his friends today. Yoongi was closer to Namjoon than his boyfriend but they had been growing closer as a group for a while and it was reliving. All three boys had similar interests and shared a love for music, both Yoongi and Namjoon had been working on songs, Yoongi's first and Namjoon's third; Jin loved to sing but believed his voice was in his words 'ugly' so no matter how much we convinced him he never did anything with it which in Yoongi's opinion was a missed opportunity. 

Namjoon had released two songs already, 'moonchild' and 'forever rain.' Which to Yoongi, were masterpieces.

Dragging himself out of bed he found that like most days, Seo-Yoon had already left to god knows where. He had decided not to think about it.

He completed all bathroom tasks and headed out into the kitchen to grab an apple, not being the biggest fan of breakfast he never really ate much but Seokjin would scold him if he ate nothing.

Pulling out his phone he checked recent messages while eating.

Joonie 🐨

Hey, you don't mind if Seokjin
invites some friends he met
the other day right? He assures
me that they're cool

I guess not, why didn't he ask
me himself lol?

He did ;))

What did you do with joon?


Yknow what nvm I don't think
I want to know

Great, cya in a few


Walking into the Cafe Yoongi spotted his friends immediately sat around a table in the corner, he joined them plus he strangers he didn't know. 

"Yo Yoongs!" Namjoon said high fiving the elder of the pair. He took a seat while Seokjin began to speak.

"Okay now that everyone's here, let's do introductions!" He said enthusiastically, too enthusiastically. "I'm Kim Seokjin, you can call me Jin if you want I'm 23. This is my boyfriend Kim Namjoon, he's 22, my best friend Min Yoongi, 22. Then we have Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin who are both 21." He motioned to a boy with bright blue hair and a boy with washed out pink hair.

They exchanged pleasantries and soon enough all the boys were chatting as if they'd known each other for years.

Yoongi smiled to himself as the boys infront of him caused chaos, Jin and Taehyung were teasing Jimin over his height which had the two rolling with laughter at his short temper, Joon couldn't help but laugh along.

He felt at peace but his mind wandered to the boy at the park, hope.

Will I ever see him again?

"Yoongi!" Taehyung called with his deep voice and charming smile while waving his hands infront of his face.

"Yeah?" He responded, caught off guard. Usually he was the most observant person he knew but he recently had been spacing out with other thoughts. 

"What do you want to order?" Joon asked with a knowing look on his face, Yoongi flushed a red colour from embarrassment and asked for a blueberry muffin, the same as Jin.

The waiter left the table and all eyes were on Yoongi.

"So, what were you thinking about?" Jimin asked out of curiosity, Namjoon smirked.

"Nothing." He replied bluntly.

"Really? You asked me something last night that seems to have carried over." Namjoon chuckled at the growing flush on his friends face.

"What was it?" Jimin and Jin asked together, laughing at the other.

"N-nothing!" He tried to defend but he knew that they wouldn't get off his back about it, Joon would be considerate enough to not say anything without his permission but the other three boys wouldn't let it slide.

"C'mon tell us! I'll tell you guys something." Taehyung reasoned, usually Yoongi is a very private person who only shared the odd thing with Namjoon but he didn't want to put up with the hassle so he went along with it.

"Fine, I may or may not have met this cute boy at the park last week and I can't stop thinking about him." He blurted with a growing blush.

"Awwwe our little meow meow has a crush!" Jin exclaimed with that awful nickname.

"Jin! What the hell!" Yoongi hissed with embarrassment.

Everyone laughed.

"Little meow meow?" Jimin asked between laughs.

"I used that call him that all the time, he may look like a rude ass but he's a softy." Jin laughed while reaching across the table and pinching his cheeks. 

The other simply batted his hands away and spouted a simple 'fuck off' with bitterness and annoyance lacing his voice.

"You're turn Tae." Jimin announced after everyone had calmed down. 

"I also might have a crush on a boy." His cheeks reddened.

"Excuse me, I don't 'have a crush' and anyway it was dark so I might have saw him completely different." Yoongi tried to defend. He didn't have a crush on the mysterious boy in the park he was merely intrigued. 

I mean, who walks alone at night and just so happens to sit on the same swingset and start a conversation with a stranger

"Whatever you say," he laughed, "anyway, his name is Jeon Jungkook and he's actually perfection."

"How'd you two meet?"

"They haven't," Jimin laughs. "I was hanging out with Jungkook and Hoseok when I posted a photo to instagram, Tae was like 'who is he I love him."

Once again the air was filled with laughter and a slightly embarrassed Taehyung. Jimin offered to introduce us to them at some point soon and of course being the socal people they are Jin and Namjoon agreed straight away, Yoongi however just nodded and went along with it.

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