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Dedicated to lowercased who absolutely made my day with their comments :')


The day of the date was only a few hours away and Yoogni couldn't help but keep rereading the last message Hoseok sent.

It's a date.

Those three words made his stomach bubble with anxiety and flutter with butterflies. He hadn't been on a real date before with someone he wanted to impress, with Seo-Yoon he had come up to him- being a friend of a friend of a friend who he had only met once or twice- and to be his girlfriend. Yoongi panicked and agreed and in his opinion it was the worst mistake of his life.

After their brief hangout at the studio Yoongi has found himself thinking about Hobi more and more, he didn't want to admit it but had clearly formed a crush on the bubbly boy. 

He still seemed incredibly familiar though, his face, voice and laugh were definitely something Yoongi had heard and seen before but he wasn't sure where...

Then it hit him.

Could it be him? The boy from the park? Probably not.

He decided that was just wishful thinking and shoved the thought out of his mind.

"Yoongi!" A shrill voice called from the other room, Yoongi was currently in his bedroom looking for something to wear for the date. He had decided on wearing a black button up shirt tucked into some black pants, it was fancier than something he'd usually wear but still somewhat casual.

Seo-Yoon called out to him again, "Yoongi! Wanna go on a date?" Her voice was sickly sweet and it made Yoongi cringe. 

"Sorry babe, I'm busy. Maybe another time?" He replied with a sigh not wanting to go with her at all. A loud frustrated grunt was heard from the other room as the door to the bedroom opened.

"Why are you so dressed up? Where the hell are you going?" She questioned with clear bitterness.

"Just out with a friend." His reply was blunt because he didn't feel the need to explain himself.

"What friend? You never even dress that well when we go out!" She shrieked like a child in a tantrum.

"Just. A. Friend. It doesn't fucking matter, I'll be back later." He snapped. Yoongi hated that about Seo-Yoon, she questioned his every move.

"Whatever. I'll be out too then!" She huffed and left the room. Yoongi sighed to himself, I should really break up with her, but she loves me and I can't do that to her.

He continued getting ready for the date, a small smile tracing his lips as he thinks about Hosoek.


Yoongi was the first to arrive at the ice cream place, standing outside really regretting his decision to not wear a jacket today; it was pretty cold.

Soon enough the younger boy met up with him and they greeted eachother with warm smiles and red cheeks. 

It's just because it's cold. Yoongi told himself.

"So, how have you been?" He asked Hoseok as they sat down at a table.

"Good." He replied, it was a blatant lie but he didn't think that Yoongi would notice, he thought wrong. 

"That's a lie and we both know it, how have you really been?" His eyes were soft and comforting. Hoseok's breath got caught in his throat.

"I-uh," he tried to respond but the Mint haired boy could tell he was uncomfortable so he decided not to push the topic any further.

"What flavour is your favourite? I really like chocolate but it can be kind of boring. Mint chocolate chip is good but none of our friends seem to like it for some reason? And then these cookies dough-" he rambled on. Yoongi has a habit of rambling when he's flustered which rarely happens because he's usually the quietest out of everyone.

He was interuppted by Hoseok laughing, god he sounded pretty when he laughed- or did basically anything. "I love chocolate chip! My favourite would have to be strawberry though."

"It's sweet just like you." Yoogni muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Hobi smirked, he heard it loud and clear but wanted to tease him a little.

"N-nothing you jerk." He replied with a pout with only made the other laugh even more.

"You're so cute." He continued teasing the older of the two noticing how quickly he became flustered, it made his own heart flutter.

"Not. So strawberry?" He replied with with a huff, double checking which ice cream Hoseok wanted. Hobi just nodded and smiled sweetly. "Gotcha, be right back."

Yoongi stood up and wandered over to the counter to order, he could feel his nervous taking over as his hands shook while handing the lady the money.

He returned to his seat to see Hoseok watching somthing on his phone.

"Oh hey, sorry! I have a new choreography I need to work on but I'm stuck on a certain part so I had it recorded to try and learn it," he seemed flustered and embarrassed, as if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't. Yoongi only laughed and told him that it was fine, he actually found his dedication to be extremely attractive but he didn't admit that part.

Hobi nodded and placed his phone back into his pocket. 

"So, what do you do?" He asked trying to break the ice, he was also extremely interested and for some reason wanted to find out anything about Yoongi that he could.

"Well, I work the odd shift at a cafe but I really like composing music- rapping is also a passion of mine." He explained somewhat shyly, he was somewhat afraid that Hosoek would judge him although Yoongi knew him well enough to know he wouldn't.

"That's so awesome!" His eyes widened in awe, "Maybe you could show me something one day?"

Yoongi was hesitant at first but soon enough he nodded with fond smile; he usually doesn't even let Seokjin listen to anything.

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