Chapter 6: The Water Dragon Slayer?!

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Hey guys sorry for the wait I'll hopefully make this chapter longer.

Chapter 6

As the Alliance walked with the trio from Blue Pegasus, they were led to a clearing where they were shown Blue Pegasus's flying chariot the Christina until it was shot down. "What the hell?!" screamed Lyon covering his face with his arms. Everyone looks shocked and Alex smelled new scents as he looked at 6 figures, Brain, Cobra, Angel, Racer, Hoteye, and Midnight who was sleeping on a flying carpet. "Are those the people we're going after?" Kitty asked looking at them scared as was Wendy, "Yeah I think so they look really scary" said Wendy very frightened by there new enemies.

Alex stood in front of them in case any of them tried to go after them, Happy did the same to Carla who was by the girls. Brain smirked as he saw everyone was scared "so this the Alliance that will destroy us? Doesn't seem like much"

Natsu growled and ran at them like the impatient person he was when some thing fast hit him away. Alex could barely see it but he knew it was the Racer guy "so fast I barely so him move, he swatted Natsu away like it was nothing."

Erza requipped into her Cheetah Armor and started to fight Cobra but couldn't even lay a hand own sword on Cobra, Gray and Lyon fought against Racer and the trio and Natsu tried to fight Hoteye but were easily defeated. Kitty stared at Brain as he walked over to them and easily pushed Alex aside. Kitty gulped and took a deep breath "Water Dragon..." Happy looked surprised.

"She's a Dragon Slayer?" He asked as Brain also looked surprised then he was hit by a giant stream of water. Everyone looked surprised even the other 4 members of the Oracian Seis until they saw that Brain wasn't hurt at all he was only wet. "Amazing someone like you a child knows such a lost magic as Dragon Slaying."

Kitty looked afraid before Alex came up behind him "Hellfire Dragon Devil Claw!" He said yelling as he swiped at the leader. Brain had gotten struck and was knocked back "Amazing blue flames that can incinerate anything in their path." Alex looked at him "You stay away from the kids ya hear?"

Continuing with the fight Cobra poisoned Erza by scratching her arm. Brain looked as Wendy was healing some of the fallen allies and decided that he would need her for his plan. "Everyone we're leaving," he said as he started to teleport Wendy.

Carla ran to Wendy to grab her hand but unfortunately she grabbed on to Happy's tail taking him with her as they all teleported to a cave. Alex looked shocked "Damn it they got Wendy!"

Carla looked shocked as well "Wendy", Kitty had tears in her eyes "I wasn't strong enough!" She said crying on the ground.

Natsu looked at Erza "Erza are you okay?" Erza glared at him and removed Lucy's belt causing her skirt to fall down and the Trio looked at her until she kicked them away. "Someone cut off my arm!" She said tying off the belt on her arm.

Lyon nodded "alright" he created a sword and aimed it at her arm but Gray stopped him and then Natsu punched Erza in the stomach to knock her out. "No one is cutting off her arm."

Kitty nodded "I know what to do we need Wendy to help she's better at healing magic then I am." Carla nodded "Yeah we must go!"

Hibiki looked at them "Okay everyone let's split up and look for Wendy since there's two Dragon Slayers they can follow her scent and get her back before Erza succumbs to the poison." The team then spilt up Alex Ren and Eve on one. Gray, Carla, Natsu and Lyon on the other one. Hibiki and Lucy stayed behind while Kitty helped deplete some of the poison.

Alex split with his team to fight against Hoteye who kept getting the upper hand against Alex. "Damn it I can't hit him, but I won't lose after I lost to that gold guy years ago I vowed to never lose another fight again until I find him and beat him!"

Meanwhile in the  Oracian Seis lair Wendy was brought before a coffin that would awaken their plan Nirvana. Wendy was surprised to learn it was the person who brought her and Kitty to her guild Cait Shelter. Jellal who looked like he was dying from his fight against Natsu after he ate the Ethernano and unlocked his Dragon Force.

Happy knew he was and knew that he was bad news, "Wendy you can't revive him he tried to kill me Natsu and Erza all to bring back Zeref." Wendy didn't listen to him though " no I have to do this he's my friend he's the one who brought me to the Cait Shelter after my Dragon left me" she started to heal him.

Natsu growled as he smelled that familiar scent "Jellal I have to make sure Erza doesn't see him she just got over what happened with Simon!" He ran faster eventually getting to the cave and saw him standing over Happy and Wendy who were knocked out. "JELLAL!!!!" he charged at the man who hurt Erza and made her cry only to get knocked into a wall.

Meanwhile Alex was still having trouble fighting Hoteye "Hellfire Dragon Talon!" He aimed the punched only to get hit with a mud wall. "Damn it why can't I hit him?!" Hoteye smiled "your not worth your reputation Mr. Blue Devil you can't beat me!"

" Too bad I can't lose to you" he said taking his overcoat off "time to let the hammer down" he charged up an attack as a giant ball of blue fire the size of the sun appeared destroying all the surrounding trees.

Hoteye looked surprised "oh yeah that looks like it will hurt", Alex nodded and launched it "Hellfire Dragon..." Hoteye covered himself in a mud wall as Alex screamed out the attack "SUNPLOSION!!!"

The End

Hope you enjoyed this chapter find out what happens next time. Remember I don't own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does. Have a great time readers

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