Chapter 7: Nirvana

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Hey guys I'm back and here you go enjoy it.

Chapter 7: Nirvana

Everyone could see the giant ball of fire that Alex had unleashed on to Hoteye, Lucy looked scared "that's a giant fire ball I don't know if Natsu could make anything that big." Gray and Lyon and Sherry saw it and could feel the heat from the ball. "Alex you idiot you could've killed us if we were any closer,"  Gray said as he got punched by Racer, " Damn Hoteye just lost to one of you losers time to take care of you guys then. "

Meanwhile in the area where Alex fought Hoteye, the trees and the grass were burnt away, Alex was on his back his eyes closed. Hoteye was covered in earth as it broke away "I survived oh yeah! I almost didn't but packed a lot of earth on me, now it's time finish him." Hoteye walked over to until he got punched in the face by Jura.

"I won't let you pay a hand on the Blue Devil" said Jura as he made a rock wall around Alex to guard him in case any of the other Oracian Seis members come to aid Hoteye. 'damnit I just fought against the one of them now there's another one and I barely beat the Dragon Slayer I don't know if I have enough magic energy to fight this guy oh yeah! "

Meanwhile with Natsu and Wendy they were able to heal Erza of her poison and then Erza got up and went to look for everyone else. Natsu went with Wendy, Kitty, Happy and Carla on one team and Lucy and Hibiki on another. Until they ran into Angel the Oracian Seis own Celestial Wizard who has three of the Zodiac keys Gemini who could turn into anyone, Scorpio who was dating Aquarius Lucy's most powerful spirit.

"On come on the only Celestial Spirit I know you can't beat is Loke!" Lucy said as she summoned him. Loke smiled " hey Lucy what can I do for you? " Lucy smiles and told him to take Angel down.

Angel smirked "Gate of the Ram Aries!" Lucy and Loke looked shocked " no the only person who had that Key was Karen,which means" Angel interrupted Leo by saying that she was the one that killed Karen and took her keys. She then forced Aries to fight her long time friend. Loke knew what he had to do and fight the friend he stood up for all those years ago. Lucy didn't want him to do that but Loke replied that he had to because it's his master's wish.

It was clear that Aries thought the same way even though she didn't want to do it she had no choice. Angel got bored and summoned a laser spirit to blast a hole through both Aries and Loke. Lucy had tears in her eyes as she watched them both disappear all Angel did was laugh. "Your evil how could you do that to your own Celestial Spirit?!" She said with tears in her eyes.

Angel just kept laughing when she stopped she looked at her "easy really I just got rid of the weaklings." Lucy looked angry " they weren't weak the only who's weak here is you! " she said getting her whip out and trying to attack only to get blasted away by the laser spirit. Hibiki was able to give Lucy enough information to unlock an ultimate spell that basically obliterated Angel. Lucy then passed from all the information and running out of magic.

Meanwhile Alex had woken up in the middle of the fight between Jura and Hoteye, "Damn what happened to me?" He said as he looked over the wall to see him and Hoteye completely even as neither could land a hit on each other. "I don't have a lot magic left anymore so I can't help him, I knew using Sunplosion would be a bad idea, it wastes too much magic energy and it's not perfected."

During that Lyon had beaten Racer but also sacrificed himself which around this time Nirvana was activated making negative emotions positive emotions causing emotion changes between Sherry and Hoteye making Sherry evil and Hoteye happy and normal and no obsessed with money but love for his brother. Alex looked up and saw the giant contraption "we've gotta get up there!"

Meanwhile Brain, Midnight who was still asleep are on the top of the contraption and Cobra with his snake Curbellious were planning the next step in their plan to destroy all the guilds starting with the closest Cait after Wendy and Kitty's guild.

The End

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail

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