Chapter 15 Von Clearwater Mansion

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Hey guys I'm back this will be a big chapter I'm sure it will probably be your favorite out of this story hope you enjoy it. Remember I don't own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does I only own Alex and his team and the other oc's that appear.

Chapter 15

Alex and Kitty arrived at the big doors to the Von Clearwater mansion, "so this is the mansion we should be careful Alex your ribs aren't fully healed yet if you fight her brother again I don't know if you'll survive a full on fight."

Alex pats her head "don't worry once we get Rose we won't fight" he pushed the doors open walking inside of it. The mansion looked barren and looked like no one had used in years, "this place is barren" they passed by a family picture except some of it was burned away. When Alex looked at it he noticed that Rose was the only part of it burned away.

Kitty looked at it "Let's go and hurry I don't like this place" she walked ahead of him as they entered the ball room seeing Hope with her parasol twirling it around. "Hello father told us you would come, we won't let you take Rose back! We need the money of the family she will marry into!" She screamed

Alex frowned "Yeah that's not happening she's a member of Fairy Tail I'm taking her back to her true family!" He said softly, Kitty looked at him "Alex leave her to !e I'm taking her on my own hurry up and get to Rose!"

Alex nodded and ran off as Hope went to stop but got blasted by a torrent of water "Water Dragon Roar!" She got knocked back as she stared at Kitty.

"I'll be your opponent!" She said the look in her eye said she was determined to win. Hope sighed " that's the only free hit you'll ever get on me" she bent down as she touched the floor as armor surrounded her skin the same color as the floor. She smirked seeing Kitty's shocked expression "like what you saw" she licked her lips "I'm going to enjoy making you my play thing!"

She charged at Kitty as she tried to block the attack but only ending up getting punched in the stomach coughing up blood. She fell to her knees "what the heck I couldn't see her move and she broke a few of my ribs."

Hope smiled "awe did I hurt surprise you my skin is covered in what the floor is made up of you can't defeat me Fairy Tail wizard." Kitty frowned " I won't lose" water surrounded her fist "Water Dragon Scalding Fist!" He punched Hope with scalding hot water but it had no affect only leaving tiny cracks in it.

Hope smirked "not bad" she punched Kitty I'm the stomach smirking "too weak though."

Meanwhile with Alex he was looking for Rose sniffing the area "I can smell her scent anywhere, where is she?" He growled "damnit I need to find her and tell her how much I love her!"

Back with Kitty she had been beaten badly she could barely do any damage to her only cracking the armor slightly which caused her to switch to a bronze armor she got from a decorative suit of bronze armor.

Kitty could barely move blood was running down her forehead and lip as she looked down, "I can't beat this girl what can I do?" She suddenly heard a voice she recognized "Kitty what's wrong?"

The scene changes to a young Kitty with her Dragon Aquamarine "I don't know if I'm strong enough to beat Hope her magic is too strong and mine is good for healing." Aquamarine shook her head "no your magic can be used for offense too that's why I'll be teaching you a handy spell that you'll need."

The scene goes back to the ballroom as she gets up "so your still alive?" Hope asked as Kitty got up " I have magic left for one last attack" water surrounds her as Hope charges at her "too bad you'll die!"

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art Water Tempest Drill!" A huge amount of water shaped like a spear was launched as it Hope square in the chest piercing her armor as she fell to the ground passed out as did Kitty "A-Alex good luck!" She passed out from her injuries.

Alex found the entrance to the basement as he fell down a trap door ending up in an arena seeing Rose's father and Rose. Kaine was across from him, Manfried Von Clearwater was saying something but Alex wasn't paying attention only looking at Rose "Hey Rose I'm here to take you back home!" Rose had tears I'm her eyes "A-Alex" she said calmly

The End

Hope you enjoy this chapter remember to tell me what your favorite part of this chapter was! Goodbye my friends!

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