Chapter 9: Oracian Seis falls

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Sorry this is late been super busy, hope you enjoy this chapter, also this chapter will probably take me a long time.

Kitty and Alex were running in a.direction leaving Midnight's unconscious body there not seeing him getting up. "I heard a roar and it scared me Alex-san."

Alex nodded "yeah that was Natsu definitely and I smell poison you probably can't smell it since your nose isn't as developed as mine." They kept running as they ended up running into Gray, Lucy and Jura. The three of them were surprised to see Alex and Kitty.

"Alex I thought you had been defeated" Gray said remembering the giant explosion he saw earlier. Alex shook his head "no I didn't and I took down Midnight wasn't easy though." Jura nodded " that's five of the Oracian Seis down. "

Kitty nodded "wait that means the leader is the only one left" Alex nodded and turned around to see Brain dragging Natsu. Jura then stepped up to the challenge and proved that he was able to defeat Brain.

Meanwhile Erza and Jellal were fighting against Midnight who had easily taken down Richard for betraying their guild. "I took a lot of damage fighting Blue Devil so I don't know if I'll be able to use my full power on you without reopening my wounds."

Erza smiled "your pretty strong to be standing up from an attack by Alex but unfortunately I know powers from I saw" she said as she defeated Midnight making the last of the Oracian Seis defeated. The last mark on Brain's unconscious body disappeared as his skin and hair turned white.

The team then fought Klodoa Brain's staff until Master Zero the true Master of the Oracian Seis arrived and destroyed the staff. "Its good to be free." Everyone was scared as they felt his power and then everything went black for them. Master Zero then went to one of the lacrimas of Nirvana telling them to come stop him.

Then Hibiki came in telling everyone about the 6 Lacrimas so they chose which Lacrima they wanted Alex and Natsu took the first one, Erza took the second one, Gray took the third, Ichiya took the fourth one, Lucy took the 5th one hoping that Zero wouldn't be there and Wendy and Kitty took the last one.

Natsu and Alex walked down a hall, Natsu's clothes were in tatters he was missing a sleeve and his shoe, Alex wasn't much better the green buttoned up shirt he was wearing was no longer buttoned up, he gave his leather overcoat to Kitty to protect her and to make her feel safe.

When they got to the end of the hall where the Lacrima is they saw Zero "so it's the Dragon Slayers that have come to die?" He said smirking. Natsu and Alex both had flames surrounding them "we promised Wendy and Kitty we would not let their guild be destroyed and we intend to do just that." He said jumping up in the air " Hellfire Dragon... " he said puffing up his cheeks as Natsu did the same "Fire Dragon..."

"ROAR!!!" both Fairy Tail wizards unleashed a powerful burst of flames at the guild master of the Oracian Seis who easily deflected the attack. Zero then raised two of his fingers "Dark Carpico" a green and red blast came from his fingers hitting Natsu as he made it go up hitting Alex making them both fall to the ground.

Meanwhile Kitty and Wendy arrived at the Lacrima "that thing is huge we do have to destroy it but I don't know if we can." Carla looked the girls " you both can do it believe in yourself and you can do anything. " Wendy nodded "Yeah just like what Natsu -san and Alex-san said they will win." Kitty said

Alex and Natsu got up "I won't lose to you" they said at the same time as they continued to fight him but Zero was easily beating them. Then suddenly Jellal came out of nowhere and threw flames on Natsu. Zero looked at him "so have you finally gotten your memories back?" Jellal nodded " yes I've gotten all my memories back. "

Natsu then came flying in punching him in the face "so you remember what you did to Erza right?" He grabbed him by his coat " next time I beat you your staying down! " Zero grew bored of the chatter and launched an attack at Natsu. "Natsu!" Alex yelled until he saw that Jellal had taken the hit for Natsu and fell to the ground.

Natsu looked surprised by that "why the hell would you do that?" He asked looking at him confused. Alex just stared at them "I heard Jellal was an enemy but he  protected Natsu but why?" Jellal looked at Natsu "this my way to Rebuke" he said as he gave Natsu his Flames of Rebuke. Alex jumped up and started to eat it too as both Dragon Slayers grew scales on their bodies.

Zero smirked "so this is the Dragon Force I've heard about doesn't look like much." Alex flames turned a bright blue and Natsu's turned gold. "Time to kick your ass" they said as they were able to easily keep up with Zero. He was having a hard time defeating them but eventually he gained the upper hand and forced them into the bottom levels.

"Natsu you alright?" Alex asked his friend Natsu nodded as they both stood up and Zero came crashing down. "I think it's time to end the both of you" he activated his ultimate spell "ABSOLUTE ZERO!" the spell swallowed them whole and put both of them into another dimension.

Alex was just there frozen "Damnit I can't move, I can't do anything" he then heard his dragons voice "Azure Flame?" He then remembered when he couldnt break a boulder. "Alex just because you can't do something doesn't mean your weak it just means you need help" Alex then thought that she was right as his flames surrounded him. "I'm kicking your ass!"

Zero was shocked to see Natsu and Alex were burning away his magic "my magic impossible" he then saw a Azure Flame and Igneel behind them " these two at true Dragon Slayers " Alex and Natsu punched him in the face, "it's over for you! Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Hell Phoenix Sword!" they flew up into the air ramming Zero into the Lacrima destroying it as the others destroyed it.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter hopefully the next chapter won't take as long until next time.

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