Chapter 12: Rose captured! Alex realizes his feelings!

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Hey guys I'm back with another story hope you enjoy this story. Also remember I don't own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does, I only own Alex and his team. Except the oc that appears in this story my girlfriend owns her.

Chapter Twelve

Alex sighed as he walked around Hargeon, he didn't know what to do with Tristan as he left the team to go back to Fairy Tail. "What do I do?" He wasn't paying attention so he ended up bumping into a girl with white and black hair a green eyes. "Oh sorry I wasn't watching where I was going that was my fault I've been distracted a friend of mine left to go back to the guild and I'm just rambling on I'm sorry."

The girl looked and chuckled "it's okay I wasn't watching where I was going" she bowed and walked away.

Meanwhile back at Emma's place Rose was outside as Kitty was inside helping Emma come up with ideas for her book when she saw someone she never thought she would see again. There was a little girl with blonde hair and green eyes and a tall boy wearing causal clothes with the same hair and eye color as the little girl.

The boy looked at Rose "hello dear sister it's been awhile" he said smiling softly. Rose was backing away as the little girl who was roughly Kitty's age ran up and hugged her around the waist "my name is Hope so you remember me?"

Rose was too distracted by the boy to answer Hope "Kaine" he said referring to boy "what do you want? Why are you even here?"

The man named Kaine smirked "father wants to see you dear sister after so long, I'm just glad to know your alive and not like the waste of space mother was."

Rose frowned "don't you dare talk about mother that way!" She pushed Hope off of her and requiped a sword pointing it at Kaine. He smirked as black armor surrounded his arm "oh did I strike a nerve" Rose looked shocked seeing the armor "what is that?"

Kaine smirked again "your not the only one who has magic" it was around this time Alex came back " huh what's going on? Rose who're these people?" Kaine looked at Alex who was staring back at him, "so is this the guy you like?" Alex looked confused as he looked at Rose "hmm like what does that mean? If you mean as friends then yeah I like Rose too"

Hope started to laugh "wow I'm young and even I know that she loves you!" Alex looked shocked so shocked he wasn't able to react when Kaine punched him in the stomach effectively knocking him out.

"ALEX!!" screamed Rose as she fell to her knees "please don't hurt him anymore I'll go with you" Kaine nodded then walked to a carriage "then come on Rose" she got up and walked to the carriage going into it.

A Few Hours Later

Alex woke up in Emma's bed suddenly he then turned and saw Kitty "I'm so glad your okay, Rose was nowhere to be found after I heard her scream a carriage was moving away and you were on the ground out cold. What were you hit with you have three broken ribs." Kitty looked worried as Alex got up "I've gotta get to Rose because I have something important to tell her!"

Emma was in view wearing clothes this time "you can't go anywhere with your injuries so rest for at least a day that's all I'm asking." Alex looked down as he laid back down and thought to himself 'Rose I'm coming for you don't worry.' He said in his head

At the Von Clearwater Mansion Rose was in front of a man who was sitting on a throne "hello dear daughter" he said smirking at her.

The End

Dun dun dun find out what happens to Rose next time. Hope you enjoyed this chapter goodbye til next time.

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