spa day

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-Jane's POV-

Evie calls me and tells me to come to her room for a spa day. I agree and when I get there, I see Mal, Evie, and Lonnie are there.

"Sorry if I'm late" I apologize.

"You're not late, I'm just early" Lonnie tells me. I nod and sit down.

"Okay, so what if we stayed in here until lunch, but don't tell the boys anything, and get glam makeovers?" Evie suggests. I grin at the thought of the boys not being able to find us. Mal and I nod but Lonnie doesn't. "If the boys can't find us anywhere else, don't you think they'd check in here?" she says.

"I know a spa nearby! We can go there," I suggest.

"Let's do that," Mal says and Evie grabs our new outfits.

time skip

-Jane's POV-

We sneak to the spa and get a little room for us. Once we do spa stuff, Evie gives us our new outfits. First, she takes hers out. It's a dark blue dress with a blue belt. She then takes Mal's outfit out. They're purple jeans with a purple leather jacket and a black shirt. She then takes out Lonnie's outfit. It's similar to Mal's, just different colors. Then, Evie takes mine out and a huge grin spreads across my face. Evie shows me plain black jeans, a white shirt, and a leather jacket that's black white and red. When she shows me the back of the jacket, my smile grows. If Carlos didn't like the outfit without what was in the back of the jacket, he was sure to like it now.

 If Carlos didn't like the outfit without what was in the back of the jacket, he was sure to like it now

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(this is the back of the jacket)

  (A/N: I know this is really cheesy) When we finish everything, it's lunchtime so we head back to school, earning ourselves many stares. We go the cafeteria and peek at most of the school either sitting at a table or on line. We quickly see what we hope to see; the boys (Ben, Carlos, Jay, Doug, and Chad) all sitting at a table, Chad the only one eating.

"Come on guys, the salad is really good today." Chad tries to give them some salad, but they all refuse.

"We're not eating until we find the girls," Jay says. We (as in Mal, Evie, Lonnie, and me) look at each other nervously before taking a deep breath and stepping into the cafeteria. The boys don't notice us at first, but their heads shoot up when they notice everyone staring at the entrance. Everyone's jaws drop. We smile nervously and approach the boys slowly. Carlos is the first to react. He slowly stands up.

"Jane?" he asks.

"Hi," I respond nervously. To my surprise, he gives me a huge hug, lifting my feet of the ground. I hug him back.

"Happy birthday!" he says when we pull away. I smile as he takes a small white box with a red bow on it out of his pocket.

"I forgot it's my birthday today," I admit, blushing. Then the other boys react.

"Mal!" Ben exclaims.


"Lonnie!" I see Carlos look over at Jay, who is hugging Lonnie. When they pull away, they stare each other in the eyes for a few seconds until, out of nowhere, Jay kisses Lonnie. Everyone was in shock. I look at Carlos who's the most shocked out of all of us. I smile as I take the white box from his hands and he looks at me.

"Happy birthday," he whispers in my ear. when I open the box, there's a necklace that says 'Jarlos'. (I know it's from d3 but i really like the idea)

"I love it" I say truthfully, hugging Carlos. We see Jay and Lonnie waking away, hand-in-hand. We look at each other and start laughing.

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